馮允謙 - 山旮旯 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 馮允謙 - 山旮旯

The Hills
山旮旯 的不丹 多簡單 你說下次去玩
The Hills of Bhutan are so simple, you said let's go next time.
下一年 又會否 有不丹
Will there be a Bhutan next year?
大局能大變 幸運能逆轉
The big picture can change drastically, luck can turn around,
光輝的 霎眼會停電
Even the brightest lights can suddenly go out,
活著亦 隨時留院
Life can end up in the hospital at any time,
他千算萬算 終歸也遇險
His calculations and plans will eventually lead to danger.
難道你未來真的 可見
Can you really see your future?
明明好想去 怎可以再等
I really want to go, how can I wait any longer?
山旮旯 多關卡 也與你同行
There are many obstacles in The Hills, but I will go with you.
等一等我怕 長城會崩
I'm afraid the Great Wall will collapse if I wait any longer.
目送好天氣 再遇原來是他生
I bid farewell to the good weather, only to meet him again in another life.
氣象 路人 及風景 各自有命運
The weather, the people, and the scenery all have their own destinies.
過眼浮雲 還應捉緊
The passing clouds should be seized.
不敢說絕對 只肯說或許
I don't dare say for sure, I can only say perhaps.
開荒者 秘訣叫無懼
The pioneers' secret is fearlessness.
懦弱是 長期潛水
Cowardice is long-term diving.
想多了就退 推得了就推
Think too much and you'll retreat, push it away and you'll push it away.
人漸老 樂園都不 想去
People get old and don't even want to go to the amusement park.
明明好想去 怎可以再等
I really want to go, how can I wait any longer?
山旮旯 多關卡 也與你同行
There are many obstacles in The Hills, but I will go with you.
等一等我怕 長城會崩
I'm afraid the Great Wall will collapse if I wait any longer.
目送好天氣 再遇原來是他生
I bid farewell to the good weather, only to meet him again in another life.
氣象 路人 及風景 各自有命運
The weather, the people, and the scenery all have their own destinies.
耐看的 未抱緊 便遺憾
If you don't hold on to the things that are worth watching, you'll regret it.
東京灣 波斯灣 戈壁灘
Tokyo Bay, Persian Gulf, Gobi Desert,
You have to be ruthless to see them.
多山旮旯 有我同行
I have many obstacles in The Hills, but I will go with you.
過眼浮雲 還應捉緊
The passing clouds should be seized.
好想吻 怎可以再等
I really want to kiss you, how can I wait any longer?
山旮旯 開好花 怕你再沉吟
The flowers are blooming in The Hills, I'm afraid you'll hesitate again.
等等我怕 門牙會崩
I'm afraid my front teeth will fall out if I wait any longer.
目送真的愛 再遇原來是他生
I bid farewell to true love, only to meet him again in another life.
趁著大門尚打開 創造你命運
While the door is still open, create your own destiny.
耐看的 未抱緊便遺憾
If you don't hold on to the things that are worth watching, you'll regret it.
深水灣 淺水灣 獅子山
Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, Lion Rock,
You think you'll always be there.
生死興衰 也有時辰
Life and death, prosperity and decline, all have their times.
你眼前人 還請捉緊
The person in front of you, please hold on tight.

Авторы: Wyman Wong, Wan Zhi Wang

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