鬼 - 小名浜 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鬼 - 小名浜

Oh, en, nai, oh, en, nai
Oh, en, nai, oh, en, nai
オウ、エン, (yeah) ナイ, オウ、エン、ナイ
Oh, en, (yeah) nai, oh, en, nai
オウとエンとナイ (オウ、エン、ナイ)
Oh and en and nai (oh, en, nai)
部落育ち 団地の鍵っ子 駄菓子屋集合 近所のガキんちょ
Growing up in a slum, a latchkey kid in a housing project, meeting at the candy store with the neighborhood brats
ヤクザの倅か母子家庭 親父がいたのも七つの歳まで
The son of a Yakuza or a single mother, my father left when I was seven
With a two-year-old sister, my mother was suicidal, but I told her to come home
I'll protect you, it'll be alright
The glowing tankers, the liberated zone at the pier
目まぐるしく変わる生活 決して贅沢なく 御馳走の絵描く
Life changing before my eyes, never extravagant, drawing pictures of feasts
お袋は包丁 妹は泣きっ面 馬の骨の罵声はサディスティックだ
My mother with a knife, my sister crying, my father's insults were sadistic
水商売 母一人子二人 薄暗い部屋で眺めた小遣い
A single mother in the sex trade, with two children, looking at my pocket money in a dimly lit room
馬の暴力は虐待と化す 十三の八月 何かが始まる
My father's violence turned into abuse, August at thirteen, something was starting
中学卒業も更正院 数年後には準構成員
After graduating middle school, I went to reform school, and a few years later, I was an associate member
旅打ちはまるで小名浜のカモメ 行ったり来たりが歩幅なのかもね
Traveling as if I were a seagull from Onahama, coming and going was my way of life
くじけた背中を洗うソープ嬢 泡と流す殺気立つ毒を
A soap girl washes my battered back, washing away the murderous poison with bubbles
小名浜港は油で濁す 必要悪があくまで美徳
Onahama Port is polluted with oil, but evil is a virtue
汽笛鳴く港町の酒場で 朝まで飲み明かした仲間へ
In the bar at the port town where the fog horn blows, drinking all night with my comrades
懲りずにへらへら踊れてる いまだ覚えてる 嫌な汗でベッドが濡れてる
Still grinning sheepishly, I still remember the sticky sweat soaking the bed
クレイジーな姿 メグミ 夏川 噂じゃ首なし全裸
Crazy Megumi, Natsukawa, they say she was found headless and naked
なすがままレイプ ギロチン 薬中の自爆
Rape, guillotine, drug-induced suicide
事故扱い 事件性なし ポリ御帰宅
Accident, no foul play, police leave the scene
花畑 テンパッた木っ端坊 ハルキの面砕けた 言葉も
Hanabata, the flustered punk, Haruki's face is broken, his words too
出ない これが大人の放課後どうなの
He can't speak, this is adult playtime, right?
A textbook with no answers
三崎に向かうY30セドリック まるでゴーカート感覚
A Y30 Cedric heading for Misaki, like a go-kart
15の夜バリに自爆レース ダイスケが死んだのも実家の近くです
A suicide race on the night of the fifteenth, Daisuke also died near his home
懲役も満期でテンパイ 八郎の病死 オヤジ呟く面会
Sentenced to prison, my term is up, Hachiro died of illness, my father whispered during the visit
ナオの受信で知ったオリカサの他界 この塀は高い
I heard from Nao about Orikasa's death, these walls are high
独房が妙に暖かい 日差しも美と知る 落葉の赤落ちて
The solitary confinement is strangely warm, the sunlight is beautiful, autumn leaves fall
In loneliness, I realize that loneliness is beautiful
秋の優しさと赤落ちはいる 昔見た地図 再び睨み
The kindness of autumn and the falling leaves, I stare at the old map
Believing in the hustlers who come and go
Friends who can laugh foolishly about nothing, they're still here with me
That's real
続く此処から 江戸の小名浜
Continuing from here, the Edo of Onahama
渇かぬ鬼の赤い目に 愛が見えませんか
Can't you see the love in the red eyes of the thirsty demon?
応援ない小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 港へ向かえ
Face the harbor with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you
小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 都で歌え
Face the city with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you
小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 港へ向かえ
Face the harbor with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you
小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 都で歌え
Face the city with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you
小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 港へ向かえ
Face the harbor with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you
小名浜の汽笛を 背に受け 都で歌え
Face the city with the Onahama foghorn blowing behind you

Авторы: 鬼, 鬼一家

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