黃明志 - KL的查某好好野 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃明志 - KL的查某好好野

KL Women Are So Wild
我从麻坡 要去Kuala Lumpur
I'm from Muar, going to Kuala Lumpur
听说这里的查某 有很大不同
I heard the women here are very different
还了很多toll 塞车塞到发疯
I paid so many tolls, the traffic was driving me crazy
I finally arrived in the capital, Kuala Lumpur
这里播着Hip-Hop 看到小姐很Hot
Hip-hop music was playing, and I saw a hot lady
喔小姐 我想要和你一起Rock
Oh, lady, I want to rock with you
This is how life is in KL
喔看连续剧 塞车看查某
Oh, watch TV dramas, get stuck in traffic, and check out the ladies
我是麻坡来的 只会讲麻坡华语
I'm from Muar, I only speak Muar Hokkien
对不起啦 请你不要介意
I'm sorry, please don't mind me
你不喜欢我 我不会佐住你
If you don't like me, I won't bother you
也不会站在这里 佐住地球转
I won't stand here and stop the Earth from spinning
小镇kampung 人口通通外流
The kampung is deserted, all the people have left
All the beautiful women have moved to Kuala Lumpur
Miss, miss, my Cantonese is not very good
但係我识讲一句 @#$%
But I know how to say one phrase: @#$%
No wonder our kampung has no pretty women
All the hot women have come to Kuala Lumpur
有的讲话很串 还参英文广东
Some of them speak very rudely, mixing English and Cantonese
但是一看pattern 就知道你住巴冬啦
But I can tell from your accent that you're from Butterworth
KL的查某好好野 好好野 好好野
KL women are so wild, so wild, so wild
坐在Time Square门口 那边空头很多
Sitting at the entrance of Time Square, there are so many pretty women
点一根烟坐下来 你不会寂寞
Light a cigarette and sit down, you won't be lonely
有学生妹 上班族跟参种名模
There are schoolgirls, office ladies, and all kinds of models
There are also big-bottomed African and red-haired women
Pavilions那边 有很多高级货
Pavilion has a lot of luxury goods
模特儿西北多 逛街好像走show
There are so many models, it's like walking a runway
她们很多 都被Dato包养
Many of them are kept by wealthy men
害我越看越痒 我以后要做Dato
It makes me itchy, I want to be a wealthy man in the future
全部穿名牌货 被Dato欺哥
They all wear designer clothes and are spoiled by wealthy men
And they swipe his card like they're getting revenge
原来Model公司 就好像后宫
It turns out that modeling agencies are like harems
那些猪哥Dato 需要很多子宫
Those pervert wealthy men need a lot of women
白色Pajero 在这里没有用
A white Pajero is useless here
这里宗教信仰全部Out of control
Religious beliefs are all out of control here
Black, white, and yellow people are all lonely in the north
The Chinese are outnumbered and hiding in the corners
半夜啤酒街 有菲律宾中国
At midnight, there are Filipinos, Chinese, and
Of course, there are also local products with guaranteed quality
只要你有Ringgit 你就可以验货
As long as you have money, you can check the goods
嗅嗅她的屁 有没有中国风
Sniff her fart, does it smell like China?
KL的查某好好野 好好野 好好野
KL women are so wild, so wild, so wild
KL的Pub 有很多假香蕉人
There are many fake bananas in KL pubs
男的来找吃 女的好像都很痒
Men come here to eat, women seem to be very itchy
Their purpose is to be seen by others
全部磨来磨去 好像抽筋一样
They all grind and shake like they're having a seizure
那些红毛人 Gentlemen都在场
Those red-haired gentlemen are all present
Because after a few drinks, they will soon have a hole
人家来观光 你却脱光光
You're here to sightsee, but you're stripping naked
你妈的死香蕉 扮高级还贱卖国产
You damn banana, you pretend to be classy but you're selling cheap domestic products
Some of them look like ladies during the day
半夜突然变成了Clubbing kaki
But suddenly turned into clubbing kaki at night
水饺垫 让她们变得大粒
Breast implants make them look bigger
The lights are dim, making them look very beautiful
You make me crazy Come on drop the beat
You make me crazy, come on, drop the beat
At three in the morning, they all show their true colors
白灯一打开 都是乌烟瘴气
When the white light is turned on, it's all smoke and smog
There are also many ghosts floating around
Oh shit 真的西北Geli
Oh shit, it's really disgusting
Fortunately, I have alcohol to numb myself
Ghosts, go back to where you belong
Don't make me go find Lam Ching-ying
KL的查某好好野 好好野 好好野
KL women are so wild, so wild, so wild
(Her skirt is really short...)
(Her makeup is really thick...)
(Her high heels are really high...)
(Her cleavage is really deep...)
(Her skirt is really short...)
(Her makeup is really thick...)
(Her high heels are really high...)
(Her cleavage is really deep...)
(Her skirt is really short...)
(Her makeup is really thick...)
(Her high heels are really high...)
好好野 好好野
so wild, so wild

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