黃明志 - 台北之旅 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃明志 - 台北之旅

Taipei Tour
我搭車 從桃園機場到台北的路上一直都不敢抬頭
I took a car from Taoyuan airport to Taipei, and I didn't dare to look up all the way
自從畢業了之後 那麼多年第一次回到第二個鄉愁
Since I graduated, it's been so many years since I went back to my second hometown
在這裡回憶太濃 那時候過的太窮
The memories here are too strong, I was too poor back then
只有妳這個傻瓜 願意陪我吃泡麵啃菜頭
Only you, this fool, were willing to eat instant noodles and gnaw on radishes with me
朋友都笑我 幹嘛躲在臺灣延畢打工
All of my friends laughed at me for hiding in Taiwan to delay graduation and work
做音樂難出頭 要做就不要在那邊哭窮
Making music is hard to make ends meet, if you're going to do it, don't cry poor over there
妳騎車載著我 到各大唱片公司投DEMO
You rode your bike with me to all the major record companies to submit demos
承受的冷眼嘲笑 妳說是他們白癡加耳聾
Enduring the cold eyes and ridicule, you said they were idiots and deaf
只有妳會懂我 只有妳會陪著我
Only you would understand me, only you would accompany me
Even if no one else ever understands my music
我的作品 妳四處播送 驕傲地炫耀著妳的男友
My work, you broadcast it everywhere, proudly showing off your boyfriend
雖然我知道 那些豬頭都只是假笑應酬
Although I know that those idiots are just giving fake smiles and doing lip service
妳經常瞞著我說 公司的便當還剩很多
You often hide from me and say that the company has a lot of leftover lunch boxes
其實我都懂 妳不過想讓我吃飯能抬頭
But I understand, you just want me to be able to eat with my head held high
陽明山上 那停車房三坪的閣樓
Yangmingshan, that three-ping attic in the parking lot
那是我們 狹小又貧困的嚴冬
That's our narrow and poor winter
在台北街頭 停停走走 不變的高樓
On the streets of Taipei, stop and go, the unchanging high-rises
最熟悉的路口 殘留妳的笑妳的沉默
The most familiar intersection, with your smile and your silence
在台北街頭 行人匆匆 誰都帶不走
On the streets of Taipei, the pedestrians are in a hurry, no one can take you away
We've been through sweetness and bitterness
那都是屬於妳我 曾經的擁有
That all belongs to you and me, it was once ours
成功的男人失敗的男人 背後都有個女人
Successful men, failed men, all have a woman behind them
連個生日蛋糕都買不起 那都是我的無能
I can't even afford a birthday cake, that's my incompetence
我告訴自己 不能放棄 因為至少還有妳
I tell myself not to give up, because at least I still have you
要揚眉吐氣 別再讓妳爸爸媽媽弟弟瞧不起
I want to make a name for myself, and not let your parents and brother look down on me anymore
搬到了台北車站旁邊的危樓 頂樓加蓋夏天都超熱
Moved to the dilapidated building next to Taipei Main Station, the rooftop addition is super hot in the summer
冬天鐵皮變冰格 客運開過都會有餘震
In winter, the iron skin becomes an ice cube, and when the buses pass by, there will be aftershocks
我錄音寫歌 妳躺著看海賊王就快樂
I record songs and write songs, you lie and watch "One Piece" and you're happy
泡麵加滷蛋 猜拳洗碗今晚妳又輸了
Instant noodles with braised eggs, rock-paper-scissors to wash the dishes, you lost again tonight
再搬到紅燈區 那裡房租都比較便宜
Moved to the red light district again, the rent there is cheaper
因為隔壁有 輻射發電工廠竊水等危機
Because next door there is a radiation power plant, stealing water and other crises
我們用DV 拍攝紀錄生活的點點滴滴
We use DV to film and document our lives
贏了短片比賽 拿了獎金想帶妳去旅行
Won the short film competition, took the prize money and wanted to take you on a trip
妳卻買了Keyboard軟體 要我繼續努力前進
But you bought the Keyboard software and asked me to keep trying
當我被大馬警方通緝 妳阻擋著媒體
When I was wanted by the Malaysian police, you blocked the media
告訴我 這個難關一定會撐過去
Tell me that this hurdle will surely pass
在台北街頭 停停走走 不變的高樓
On the streets of Taipei, stop and go, the unchanging high-rises
最熟悉的路口 殘留妳的笑妳的沉默
The most familiar intersection, with your smile and your silence
在台北街頭 行人匆匆 誰都帶不走
On the streets of Taipei, the pedestrians are in a hurry, no one can take you away
We've been through sweetness and bitterness
那都是屬於妳我 曾經的擁有
That all belongs to you and me, it was once ours
過去再多的磨難苦頭 只有妳懂我
No matter how many hardships and pains in the past, only you understood me
感謝妳陪著我一起走過 那些年的落魄
Thank you for being with me through those years of poverty
在台北街頭 停停走走 不變的高樓
On the streets of Taipei, stop and go, the unchanging high-rises
最熟悉的路口 殘留妳的笑妳的沉默
The most familiar intersection, with your smile and your silence
說好了不會食言 要一起直到永遠
We said we wouldn't break our promise, we would be together forever
在台北街頭 行人匆匆 誰都帶不走
On the streets of Taipei, the pedestrians are in a hurry, no one can take you away
許下了愛情誓約 怎樣都不會改變
We made a love pact, nothing will change
We've been through sweetness and bitterness
在離開前的那一夜 我們都哭紅了雙眼
The night before we left, we both cried our eyes red
那都是屬於妳我 曾經的擁有
That all belongs to you and me, it was once ours
桃園機場留下的淚 卻成了永遠的道別
The tears left at Taoyuan airport have become eternal farewells
謝謝妳給我的一切 希望妳現在過得很好
Thank you for everything, I hope you are well now
You are my angel
You are my angel

Авторы: Meng Chee Wee

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