黃綺珊 - 冬城 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃綺珊 - 冬城

Winter City
想跟这个城市 安静对望啊
I want to gaze quietly at this city
像一个老朋友般 无需多言
Like an old friend, no need for words
如果逃不开了 就变一种生活
If I can't escape, I'll change my lifestyle
没有色彩只画出 淡淡线条吧
With no colors, just draw in light strokes
无论为了什么 曾转身流泪过
No matter what it's for, I once turned and cried
那都不是记忆 该承担的错
That's not a mistake that memories should bear
微凉脸颊上 泪水余温还在
On my cool cheeks, the warmth of tears remains
只有自己知道不 不与人说
Only I know, no, I don't tell others
Before nightfall
The sky is the deepest blue
吞下了 失落的人眼中的渴望
It swallowed the lost person's desire
No more hiding or wandering
没有谁追究 谁的悲伤
No one questions anyone's sorrow
除了你 到了明天 谁记得
Except you, come tomorrow, who remembers
越想忘记的 越挥之不去
The more I want to forget, the more it lingers
像节日没有温度 温度的霓虹
Like a festival with no warmth, a frigid neon
也曾在梦中 与自己重逢
I once met myself again in a dream
怎么也看不清 当时的脸孔
But I couldn't see the face clearly
人越想念的 越像一场梦
The more one misses, the more it's like a dream
冷是一种恒温 在街头
The cold is a constant temperature on the street
Before nightfall
The sky is the deepest, most melancholy blue
吞下了 失落人眼中的渴望
It swallowed the lost person's desire
No more hiding or wandering
No one questions anyone's sorrow
除了你 到了明天谁记得
Except you, come tomorrow, who remembers
如果逃不开了 就变成一种生活
If I can't escape, I'll change my lifestyle
没有色彩只画出 淡淡线条吧
With no colors, just draw in light strokes
像节日没有温度 温度的霓虹
Like a festival with no warmth, a frigid neon
冷是种恒温 在午夜街头
The cold is a constant temperature in the midnight streets

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