黃義達 feat. Karen Mok - Set Me Free - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃義達 feat. Karen Mok - Set Me Free

Set Me Free
Set Me Free
天黑了 雨下了 心灰了 就哭了
It's dark, it's raining, I'm heartbroken, so I cry
美好的 開心的 我們都忘了
The good times, the happy times, we've forgotten them all
該寫的 該說的 該愛的 我都已經給了
Everything that needed to be written, said, and loved, I've already given
空虛了 心累了 孤單坐在這
I'm empty, I'm tired, I'm lonely sitting here
S'il me dit que c'est le dernie're fois(如果我知道這是最後一次)
If he tells me it's the last time(If I knew it was the last time)
Je voudrais te voir en quitter la porte(我願意看著你走出那扇門)
I'd like to watch you leave through the door(I'd like to watch you leave through the door)
Je veux t'embrass, encore une fois(我想再抱你一次)
I want to kiss you, one more time(I want to kiss you, one more time)
S'il me dit que c'est le dernie're fois. J'entend ton nom
If he tells me it's the last time. I hear your name
(如果知道這是最後一次 我聽到你的名字)
(If I knew it was the last time, I heard your name)
Je voudrais Filmer chaque sc'ene de foi(我會紀錄你的每個影子)
I want to film every scene of faith(I want to film every scene of faith)
Pour moi se souvenir de toi.(讓我能珍藏)
For me to remember you.(For me to remember you.)
Oh Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
Oh Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
Oh 孤單 孤單 孤單 Let Me Free
Oh Lonely Lonely Lonely Let Me Free
故事不是這樣的結局 我還在等待愛情的續集
The story doesn't end like this, I'm still waiting for the sequel to love
Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
傷心 傷心 傷心 Let It Be
Oh Sadness Sadness Sadness Let It Be
我只有每夜躲在回憶裡 不斷尋找每一頁的愛情
I can only hide in my memories every night, constantly searching for each page of love
我笑了 心灰了 就哭了
I smiled, I was heartbroken, then I cried
美好的 開心的 我們都忘了
The good times, the happy times, we've forgotten them all
你這一走 傷我好重 你這一走 我只有不停的追逐
When you left, you hurt me so badly, when you left, I could only chase after you
你動不動 就轉身走 你懂不懂 我有多痛
You turn around and leave at the slightest provocation, do you understand how much it hurts me? You left
S'il me dit que c'est le dernie're fois pouravoir des minutes avec toi
If he tells me it's the last time to have a few minutes with you
(If I knew it was the last time we could spend a little bit of time together)
Je veux te dire que je t'aime.(我想和你說我愛妳)
I want to tell you that I love you.(I want to tell you that I love you.)
Au lieu de supposer que tu me connaissez.(而非假設你已瞭解)
Instead of assuming that you know me.(Instead of assuming that you know me.)
Mais si c'est faut.(但是若非如此)
But if that's not true.(But if that's not true.)
Je voudrais te dire? a et jespere que on ne oublie jamais
I'd like to tell you? and I hope we never forget
(I'd like to tell you? and I hope we never forget)
Oh Sadness Sadness Sadness Set Me Free
Oh Sadness Sadness Sadness Set Me Free
Oh 孤單 孤單 孤單 Let Me Free
Oh Lonely Lonely Lonely Let Me Free
故事不是這樣的結局 我還在等待愛情的續集
The story doesn't end like this, I'm still waiting for the sequel to love
Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
Sally Sally Sally Set me Free
傷心 傷心 傷心 Let It Be
Oh Sadness Sadness Sadness Let It Be
我只有每夜躲在回憶裡 不斷尋找每一頁的愛情
I can only hide in my memories every night, constantly searching for each page of love
你這一走 傷我好重 你這一走 我只有不停的追逐
When you left, you hurt me so badly, when you left, I could only chase after you
你動不動 就轉身走 你懂不懂 我有多痛 你這一走
You turn around and leave at the slightest provocation, do you understand how much it hurts me? You left
Quand je fermais cette page de ma vie(當我的生命結束時)
When I close this page of my life(When I close this page of my life)
Le memoir de no'tre amoureux ouvrait.(也開啟了關於我們愛情的記憶)
The memory of our love opens up.(The memory of our love opens up.)
Que hous jouraions les jours,(關於歡樂)
That we played together(That we played together)
Que hous jpartegous les larmes.(關於悲傷)
That we shared our tears.(That we shared our tears.)
Mais, puis, je(ne) saispas quoi a lieu(但是我不知道)
But, then, I(don't) know what happens(But, then, I(don't) know what happens)
C'est quelque chose que je n'aurais jamais imagin'ee.(這是我從未曾想像的)
It's something I never imagined.(It's something I never imagined.)
我的心彷彿不能夠呼吸 因為每一次心跳都是你
My heart feels like it can't breathe because every beat is you
我們每一分鐘的愛情 全部都紀錄在信封每頁裡
Every minute of our love is recorded on every page of the envelope
我們不停重複在那裡 我好想再一次擁抱著你
We keep repeating there, I want to hug you again
我的心彷彿不能夠呼吸 每一次心跳都是因為你
My heart feels like it can't breathe, every beat is because of you
有沒有可能回到過去 讓那擁抱不停的延續下去
Is it possible to go back to the past and let that embrace continue forever?
故事寫著都是我愛妳 每一頁痕跡都是為了妳
The story says I love you, every page is for you
你這一走 傷我好重 你這一走 我只有不停的追逐
When you left, you hurt me so badly, when you left, I could only chase after you
你動不動 就轉身走 你懂不懂 我有多痛 你這一走
You turn around and leave at the slightest provocation, do you understand how much it hurts me? You left
Je comprend et je suvivra a celui-ci(我瞭解而且我生存下來了)
I understand and I will survive this one(I understand and I will survive this one)
C'est le plus ditticile que je n'ai jamais fait.(這是最難的而且我也從未做的)
It's the hardest thing I've ever done.(It's the hardest thing I've ever done.)
Lestemps querit tout les choses et il y a entement(時間會治療一切)
Time heals all things and there is a slowly(Time heals all things and there is a slowly)
Je te remerci pour tout les choese tu as fait(我感謝你做的每一件事)
I thank you for everything you have done(I thank you for everything you have done)
J'espere que tu es la pour nroi.(我多希望你在那陪伴我)
I hope you are there for me.(I hope you are there for me.)
Au tenps le plus ditticle dans ma vie,(在我生命中最困難的時候)
At the most difficult time in my life(At the most difficult time in my life)
Pour nous seulement.(只為我們)
Just for us.(Just for us.)
Tu ne sauras jamais que je suis touch'e,(妳永遠不知道我的感動)
You will never know how touched I am(You will never know how touched I am)
Et que tue me manque.(以及我怎麼思念你)
And how much I miss you.(And how much I miss you.)

Авторы: Yi-da Huang

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