黃耀明 - 窮風流 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃耀明 - 窮風流

Unlucky and Romantic
慘得過擁有 這對手
I'm so unlucky to have you as my opponent
就讓快活的狗 住唐樓
So let the carefree dogs live in tenements
成為大富翁 要凶悍前進
To become a millionaire, you have to be ruthless and aggressive
我們寧願蠢 擲骰都不懂
We'd rather be foolish and not know how to play Monopoly
贏完大富翁 要獎我相擁
After winning Monopoly, I want you to hold me close
怕孤單都不怕窮 財富在被中
We're not afraid of being lonely, nor of being poor; our wealth is in our embrace
仍然未吃飽 也可以睡覺
Even if we're not fully fed, we can still sleep
美貌和麵包 那一種可靠
Which is more reliable, beauty or bread?
眉毛沒法炒 也足夠溫飽
Even if we can't sell our eyebrows, they're enough to keep us warm
我的衫都給抱皺 如冶艷美鈔
My clothes are all wrinkled from being hugged, like a beautiful, crumpled bill
請出價收購 誰快手
Please make an offer to buy; who's the fastest?
賤賣窮風流 值幾多打罐頭
Selling misfortune and romance for a few cans of food
慘得過擁有 這對手
I'm so unlucky to have you as my opponent
就讓快活的狗 住唐樓
So let the carefree dogs live in tenements
床前沒被鋪 也可跳圓舞
Even without sheets on the bed, we can still dance
腳下無淨土 手拖手打掃
Even without a clean floor, we can hold hands and sweep together
門前是當舖 當不到風騷
The pawnshop is right outside the door, but we can't pawn our charm
我倆身家得兩毫 來結伴刮須
Our entire fortune is worth two cents; let's go shave together
請出價收購 誰快手
Please make an offer to buy; who's the fastest?
但是窮風流 又怎捨得轉手
But how could we bear to sell our misfortune and romance?
請不要收購 怕獻醜
Please don't buy us out; we'd be embarrassed
就做快活的狗 任浮華溜走
Let's just be carefree dogs and let the hustle and bustle pass us by
鳴... 誰又買到快樂
Oh... Who has bought happiness?
嗚... 誰在喝可樂 換到了快樂
Oh... Who has traded Coca-Cola for happiness?
請出價收購 誰快手
Please make an offer to buy; who's the fastest?
但是窮風流 又怎捨得轉手
But how could we bear to sell our misfortune and romance?
請不要收購 怕獻醜
Please don't buy us out; we'd be embarrassed
就讓快活的狗 住唐樓
So let the carefree dogs live in tenements
賤賣窮風流 值幾多打罐頭
Selling misfortune and romance for a few cans of food
別讓快活的狗 為繁榮而消瘦
Don't let the carefree dogs waste away for the sake of prosperity
嗚... 窮亦窮得快樂
Oh... Even in poverty, we're happy
嗚... 窮亦窮得快樂
Oh... Even in poverty, we're happy
嗚... 誰又買到快樂
Oh... Who has bought happiness?

Авторы: 李端嫻@人山人海, 黃耀明

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