黃韻玲 feat. 林俊逸 - 關於愛的兩三事 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃韻玲 feat. 林俊逸 - 關於愛的兩三事

About Love Two or Three Things
Where on earth
才叫全心全意的愛 全心的奉獻
Can I find wholehearted love and devotion?
Always calculat who gives more or less,
Never understanding why no one comprehends me.
關心我 會愛我
Who cares for me, who would cherish me,
擔心過 能安慰我
Who worries about me, who can comfort me.
茫茫無際的人海 應該往哪裡走
In the boundless ocean of humanity, which way should I go?
懵懂無知的青春年少 (勇氣卻越來越稀薄)
In my ignorant and innocent youth, (courage grows increasingly thin),
害怕失敗擔心被冷落 (沒人了解我)
Afraid of failure, worried about being neglected, (no one understands me),
不想 被人看透 不想 付出太多
Don't want to be seen through, don't want to give too much,
愛對我來說 只是沉默
Love to me is just silence.
Until you walked into my life,
讓我掙脫綑綁 卸下虛假的面具
Letting me break free from my chains, shedding my false mask,
Darkness once enveloped my lost soul,
Finally, I waited for the warm sunshine to shine upon my heart.
融化我 保護我
You melt me, you protect me,
充滿我 圍繞我
You fill me, you surround me.
原來愛無所不在 只要懂得珍惜
It turns out that love is everywhere, as long as you cherish it.
滿街都是昂貴的空虛 (寂寞來臨無聲無息)
The streets are full of expensive emptiness (loneliness comes silently),
真實和幻滅交錯眼前 (找不到自己)
Reality and disillusionment intertwine before my eyes (I can't find myself),
你會 在乎甚麼 你會 堅持甚麼
What do you care about? What do you坚持?
Love is not holding tightly to your chest,
Love is not letting you talk casually,
Love is the warmest touch.

Авторы: Kay Huang, Zhong Xing Min

黃韻玲 feat. 林俊逸 - Glory Days
Glory Days
дата релиза

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