黃鴻升 - 痴漢 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃鴻升 - 痴漢

The Stalker
八點二十 起得太晚 差點找不到衣服
8:20 Woke up too late, almost couldn't find my clothes
八點三十 公車站牌 距離你有兩三步
8:30 Bus stop, you're two or three steps away
每天這個時候 世界上就我最幸福
Every day at this time, I'm the happiest person in the world
小心翼翼守護 你的前後都有我來顧
Protecting you with my body and soul
八點三十 忙盲茫茫 一天又快要結束
8:30 Busy, blind, another day is almost over
九點三十 大樓警衛 說我這樣太辛苦
9:30 The security guard said I'm working too hard
每天這個時候 等你回家我好幸福
Every day at this time, waiting for you to come home, I'm so happy
只要見你一面 被當痴漢我也不在乎
Even if I get called a stalker, I don't care
I want You 害羞到話都說不清楚
I want you, I'm so shy, I can't even speak
I need You 痴心漢早已被你俘虜
I need you, the stalker has already been captured by you
痴痴的等著 (下一次幸福的未知數)
I'm waiting foolishly (for the next unknown happiness)
呆呆的看著 (讓背影倒數我的祝福)
I'm looking at you stupidly (let your figure count down my blessings)
La La La La 痴心漢不可能的任務
La La La La The stalker's impossible mission
七點三十 起得太早 刷牙洗臉換衣服
7:30 Got up too early, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed my clothes
八點出門 有台跑車 停在你家不遠處
8:00 When I went out, there was a sports car parked near your house
今天這個時候 你笑得燦爛好幸福
Today at this time, you're smiling so happily
我有一點想哭 痴漢比貝克漢當然輸
I want to cry a little, a stalker is no match for Beckham
十點三十 大樓警衛 說我這樣沒前途
10:30 The security guard said I have no future
半夜一點 有台跑車 送你回家好羨慕
1:00 AM A sports car drove you home, I'm so envious
到了這個時候 我也只能祝你幸福
At this time, I can only wish you happiness
笨蛋才會哭哭 我要加入痴漢俱樂部
Only an idiot would cry, I'm going to join the stalker club
I want You 害羞到話都說不清楚
I want you, I'm so shy, I can't even speak
I need You 痴心漢早已被你俘虜
I need you, the stalker has already been captured by you
痴痴的等著 (下一次幸福的未知數)
I'm waiting foolishly (for the next unknown happiness)
呆呆的看著 (讓背影倒數我的祝福)
I'm looking at you stupidly (let your figure count down my blessings)
痴痴的等著 (可惜我只陪你到半路)
I'm waiting foolishly (it's a pity that I can only accompany you halfway)
呆呆的看著 (沒車沒錢又沒想認輸)
I'm looking at you stupidly (no car, no money, but not willing to admit defeat)
La La La La 痴心漢不可能的任務
La La La La The stalker's impossible mission
La La La La 當痴漢要更全力以赴
La La La La To be a stalker, you have to work harder

Авторы: Xiao Se, Xiao An

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