黃齡 - 大調 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃齡 - 大調

The Major Scale
自古人類多偉大 渺小得可怕
Throughout history, mankind has been both great and terrifyingly insignificant.
上天入海多瀟灑 心有紙鎖枷
Soaring through the skies and diving into the depths of the sea, yet our minds are shackled by invisible chains.
哈... 採菊東籬下
Haha... Picking chrysanthemums by the eastern fence,
哈... 年少早華髮
Haha... While youth fades away prematurely.
鋼筋叢林多繁華 時間像流沙
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle, time slips away like grains of sand.
男男女女惹火花 愛情像馴化
Men and women ignite sparks, love becomes a tamed beast.
咦... 誰鮮衣怒馬
Hmm... Who gallops in fine clothes?
咦... 誰如犬喪家
Hmm... Who wanders like a homeless dog?
求佛求神求菩薩 心有安穩嗎
Seeking solace in prayer, but does it bring peace?
怨天怨地怨冤家 慾望可放下
Blaming fate, the world, and our enemies, can we let go of desire?
哈... 望不盡天涯
Haha... The horizon stretches endlessly,
哈... 退路已荒塌
Haha... The path of retreat has crumbled.
數年數月數傷疤 記憶會偏差
Counting years, months, and wounds, memories distort.
聽風聽雨聽八卦 什麼能留下
Listening to the wind, the rain, and idle gossip, what will endure?
咦... 南極在融化
Hmm... The Antarctic ice sheet is melting,
咦... 四季少分差
Hmm... The seasons are blurring.
我們總是很偉大 也渺小的可怕
We are always both great and insignificantly small.
道理總是很複雜 難不成怪女媧
The complexities of life confound us, but can we blame it on our creator?
哈... 黃河入海流
Haha... The Yellow River flows into the sea,
哈... 茉莉牡丹花
Haha... Jasmine and peony flowers,
咦... 青山郭外斜
Hmm... Green hills slant beyond the city walls,
咦... 大浪盡淘沙
Hmm... Mighty waves sift through the sand.

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