팔로알토 feat. Babylon - Good Times - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 팔로알토 feat. Babylon - Good Times

Good Times
Good Times
우린 대축제
We're having a grand party
악마의 편집이 아니고 이건 생중계
Not a devil's edit, this is live
다물어 환호소리빼고 W-A-C-K
Shut up, just cheers and W-A-C-K
그게 때론 내가 될순있지만 지금은 아냐
That could be me sometimes, but not now
내가 랩을 뱉을땐 I make 'em say yeah
When I rap, I make 'em say yeah
온도를 올려 올라갈수록 사무실에서 출연료를 올려
Raising the temperature higher and higher, so raise my paycheck at the office
떠올려 JK형에게 다시 한번더 표하는 존경
I think of it and show respect to JK again
돌아보면 아름다운 추억이었지 모두 남김없이
Looking back, it was all beautiful memories, leaving nothing behind
누굴 미워하며 그가 무너지길바라는 마음은 내가 보기엔 결국 낭비같지
Hating someone and wishing for their downfall seems like a waste to me
맥주 병을 아니면 다른 위로
Popping a beer bottle or another glass
놈팽이처럼 맨날 이러는건 아니고
Not acting like a jackass all the time
좋은기분을 당신과 나는 나누고파
I want to share this good feeling with you
높아 얼굴봐 아래는 못봐
Look up, I can't see below
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
jose vodka
I'll have Jose, you have vodka
못해? Lemonade?
You can't drink? Lemonade?
아님 칵테일? 그럼 콜라?
Or a cocktail? Or cola?
때론 moet 기분 좋은날
Sometimes moet on a good day
온몸에 흥이 돋아
My whole body feels excited
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
Promise me we'll see each other again
세상은 digital 때로는 analog
The world is digital, sometimes analog
세상은 요지경 마치 cameleon
The world is so vivid, like a chameleon
각자 위치로 only heaven knows
To each their own place, only heaven knows
복잡한건 질색이야 이제 더이상
I hate complexity from now on
입는옷 일상 뱉는말
My clothes, my daily life, my words
괴리감없어 음악
There's no discrepancy in my music
누가말해 필요있어
Who said I need to act cool?
나의 멋을 지키고싶어
I want to keep my own style
존중할수있어 너와 나의 다름점
I can respect our differences
희생할순없어 내가 가진 가능성
I can't sacrifice my potential
계속해서 원을 만들어
I keep making big circles
시작은 작은 이었지만 자꾸
It started as a small dot but keeps getting bigger
열정이 넘쳐 우린 뜨거운 사랑을
Our passion overflows, and we make passionate love
근데 돈땜에 안불러 거짓 사랑노래
But you don't call me because of money, no fake love songs
이런 노래 계속해도 사랑해줄래?
Will you keep loving me even if I keep singing songs like this?
누가뭐라해도 계속할건데
No matter what anyone says, I'll keep going
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
jose vodka
I'll have Jose, you have vodka
못해? Lemonade?
You can't drink? Lemonade?
아님 칵테일? 그럼 콜라?
Or a cocktail? Or cola?
때론 moet 기분 좋은날
Sometimes moet on a good day
온몸에 흥이 돋아
My whole body feels excited
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
Promise me we'll see each other again
세상은 digital 때로는 analog
The world is digital, sometimes analog
세상은 요지경 마치 cameleon
The world is so vivid, like a chameleon
각자 위치로 only heaven knows
To each their own place, only heaven knows
복잡한건 질색이야 이제 더이상
I hate complexity from now on
Such a good time, living the good life
Such a good time, living the good life
우리 삶을 위해 들어봐 준비된 술잔
For our lives, listen to the prepared glass
즐거운 순간 뻗어봐
Stretch out your arms for this happy moment
아래아닌 저기 하늘 위로 위로
Not below, up there, higher and higher
세상은 digital 때로는 analog
The world is digital, sometimes analog
세상은 요지경 마치 cameleon
The world is so vivid, like a chameleon
각자 위치로 only heaven knows
To each their own place, only heaven knows
복잡한건 질색이야 이제 더이상
I hate complexity from now on
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
jose vodka
I'll have Jose, you have vodka
못해? Lemonade?
You can't drink? Lemonade?
아님 칵테일? 그럼 콜라?
Or a cocktail? Or cola?
때론 moet 기분 좋은날
Sometimes moet on a good day
온몸에 흥이 돋아
My whole body feels excited
자, 건배 원샷
Now, cheers, everyone, one shot
Promise me we'll see each other again

Авторы: Sang Hyun Jeon

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