Anonymous feat. Gary Cooper - Loath to Depart - Keyboard setting by Giles Farnaby paroles de chanson

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Anonymous feat. Gary Cooper - Nutmeg And Ginger - Spicy Ballads From Shakespeare's London

1 Daphne - Setting à 5 by William Wigthorp
2 Come Hither - Setting à 5 by William Wigthorpe to the tune of Roland /Lord Willoughby
3 Galliard - Setting à5 by V. Haussmann, based on Roland/Lord Willoughby
4 Pavan - Setting à 5 by V. Haussmann, based on Roland/Lord Willoughby
5 Dulcina - Setting for 5 strings by William Brade
6 Nancie - Setting à 5 by Valentin Haussmann
7 Dido Was the Carthage Queen - Setting for voice and lute by George Mason or John Earsden
8 Dulcina - Setting by William Brade adapted for voice and plucked instruments
9 Go, Silly Note - original version
10 How Can the Tree
11 Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home - Setting for 2 lutes by John Dowland and anon.
12 Lie Still, my Dear (To the Tune of Loath to Depart)
13 Fortune my Foe - Anon. setting for mixed consort
14 The Miller (To the Tune of Nutmegs and Ginger)
15 Daphne - Setting à 5 by William Wigthorp
16 The Cutpurse. Tune adapted from Packington's Pound
17 Loath to Depart - Keyboard setting by Giles Farnaby
18 Greensleeves
19 The London Prentice (To the Tune of Nancie)
20 Watkins Ale
21 Nutmegs and Ginger
22 Sellinger's Round (Ed. Holman)
23 Packington's Pound - Setting for keyboard by Benjamin Cosyn

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