Beno Blachut feat. Libuše Domanínská - Act One/ Bailiff´s house/ You have spoken truly paroles de chanson

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Beno Blachut feat. Libuše Domanínská - Jules Massenet - WERTHER
Album Jules Massenet - WERTHER
date de sortie

1 Act One/ Bailiff´s house/ This is it, then, the Bailiff´s house?
2 Act One/ Bailiff´s house/ You have spoken truly
3 Act One/ Bailiff´s house/ Dream! Ecstasy!
4 Act two/ The lime trees/ Vivat Bacchus! Semper vivat!
5 Act two/ The lime trees/ It has been three months since we were married
6 Act two/ The lime trees/ Another is her husband!
7 Act two/ The lime trees/ At times, friend, a touch of remorse comes to mingle with the happiness which feels my heart
8 Act two/ What´s he use?
9 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Good day, big sister!
10 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ There. Let my tears flow
11 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Yes, it is I. I have come back...
12 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ My whole soul is there!
13 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ I! I in his arms!
14 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Werther is back, he has been seen...
15 Act four/ Werther! Werther! No one here
16 Act One/ Bailiff´s house/ Overture
17 Act two/ The lime trees/ Overture
18 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Overture
19 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Werther...Werther...
20 Act three/ Charlotte and Werther/ Ah, my resolution deserts me!
21 Act four/ Holy night

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