Benom guruhi - Xazon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benom guruhi - Xazon

Qayt, sen yonimga qayt, mendan uzoqlashma
Come back, come back to me, don't leave me alone
Shu payt, baxtli kunlarim, qayt yiroqlashma
This moment, my days of happiness, don't leave me
Tun, yolg'iz zulmat tun, dardlarimla mahzun
Night, lonely dark night, sad with my sorrows
Uzun, qayg'uli kunlarimda yo'q mazmun
Long, sad days are meaningless
Balki, endi farqi yo'q, sevgidan najot yo'q
Maybe, now it doesn't matter, there is no salvation from love
Baxt mendan kechgansan, unutib bo'lgansan
Happiness has left me, you have forgotten me
Lek senga farqi yo'q, mehring go'yo yiroq
But - it doesn't matter to you, your love is supposedly distant
Tuyg'ularim sarson, sensiz umrim xazon
My feelings are bewildered, without you my life is autumn
Dard, yana o'sha dard, betinim hasrat yuragimni qiynar
Pain, again that pain, my desire torments my heart
Faqat bu yurak ezilar, baxtning o'tgan kunlaridan go'yo ovunar
Only this heart breaks, taking solace in past days of happiness
Xazon, tuyg'ularim xazon, nega yana azob atrofim egallar?
Autumn, my feelings are autumn, why does suffering surround me again?
Yig'lar, orzularim yig'lar, yuragim senga tinmay shoshilar
My dreams are weeping, my heart is constantly rushing to you
Balki, endi farqi yo'q, sevgidan najot yo'q
Maybe, now it doesn't matter, there is no salvation from love
Baxt mendan kechgansan, unutib bo'lgansan
Happiness has left me, you have forgotten me
Lek senga farqi yo'q, mehring go'yo yiroq
But - it doesn't matter to you, your love is supposedly distant
Tuyg'ularim sarson, sensiz umrim xazon
My feelings are bewildered, without you my life is autumn
Yana xazonlar, yana usha kuz yomg'irlar
Again autumn, again those autumn rains
Tinmay eslatar, seni bu sog'inchli kunlar
Will constantly remind me of you, on these dreary days
Tomchi ko'z yoshlar, o'sha va'dalar qilar a'lam
Drops of tears, those promises make the world
Balki, endi farqi yo'q, sevgidan najot yo'q
Maybe, now it doesn't matter, there is no salvation from love
Baxt mendan kechgansan, unutib bo'lgansan
Happiness has left me, you have forgotten me
Lek senga farqi yo'q, mehring go'yo yiroq
But - it doesn't matter to you, your love is supposedly distant
Tuyg'ularim sarson, sensiz umrim xazon
My feelings are bewildered, without you my life is autumn

Writer(s): Benom Guruhi

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