Dizzy Dros - 3alam Songtexte

Songtexte 3alam - Dizzy Dros

"Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent, that you bleach to get like the white man? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips. Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don't want to be around each other? You know before you come asking Mr. Muhammad does he teach hate, you should ask who yourself who taught you to hate being what God gave you."
1989 tdzedt f ard lah lka7la wakha lounha zre9 3amera dbou3a o mja7im
L3a9a kat7kem, tmout 3la derhem, rou7 katle3 lbtana kaderdem
Tzedt, 3am therress sour berlin
3rftini daba 3lach 3ziz 3liya nheress snane rwappa dial 90
3aych bo7di fl3alam kolchi baghi yakol fina
7naya wlad zan9a b7ala machi wlad adam, s7ab serf makichemoukch
Ness flbouliss kebro bla mawathom dackhi 3lach maki7ennouch
Maki7mloukch, ness fl7bess brahech
Welfou iti7o 3la kerchhom 9bel maymchiw ldouche
Ness mweder, ness ki mout flb7er
Dawla bghatna ha naklo onkhraw b7al lbger
Katswlo fina 3lach kankhwiw lblad
7it baghyine n3icho bnadem ontoma baghyine t3ychouna 3icht lklab
3alami 3alam bnadem wla 7ale o hwal tzad la7d o 9lal l7lal
3alami 3alam bnadem wla b7al lbghal dkoura ketro o 9lalo rjal
3alami 3alam wa chnahowa t7elo 3inik ra mghemdine o malkom samkine
3alami 3alam kan ghewet 'chkoun ghay sme3ni ba9i ghi rebbi li y3te9ni
Lmout fabour, foug mn dbaba wla foug babor
3alami 3alam, ness li 9rina flmdrassa mgloub
O'ga3 li katchouf f telfasa ghi kdoub
3alami 3alam, lmlayer katkhser 3la balone
O's7ab ferracha ki tchedo bl9anone
7it 3alami 3alam kitechdo b9anone
O'drari kit9etlo f tirane 3la loun
3alami 3alam, lblad katchfer mn stinate
O'baghi tlou7 kolchi 3la benkirane
3alami 3alam ifri9ia mal9at maytkal
O'l3alam kay chri fsla7 bach i9tel
Ra 3alami 3alam denya katgleb ila bghat mirikane
O'ghaza ki mouto fiha drari o ki daro f sikane
3alam o ba9yin kat9elbo 3la salam ghatb9aw zero
O'lah il3en bou l3alam 7it
3alami 3alam bnadem wla 7ale o hwal tzad la7d o 9lal l7lal
3alami 3alam bnadem wla b7al lbghal dkoura ketro o 9lalo rjal
3alami 3alam wa chnahowa t7elo 3inik ra mghemdine o malkom samkine
3alami 3alam kan ghewet 'chkoun ghay sme3ni ba9i ghi rebbi li y3te9ni
3alam, fine ghadi bina had l3alam? Kolchi wla kitba3 bnadem wla kitba3 l'impérialisme o ra2smaliya ta7arror olin7ilal al akhla9i
Lmra katghtaseb o katmout fsouria ol3ira9 o ki ban lihom ha 3lach swa3da makikhliwch 3yalathom isougo, wlina kan9etlo kolchi, kan9tlo djaj kan9tlo lbgar okan 9tlo ta bnadem bnadem ghare9 f demm om9ette3 traf f telfasa o 7na kanghemsso o kan khchiw f wejhna, 3alam
3alami 3alam bnadem wla 7ale o hwal tzad la7d o 9lal l7lal
3alami 3alam bnadem wla b7al lbghal dkoura ketro o 9lalo rjal
3alami 3alam wa chnahowa t7elo 3inik ra mghemdine o malkom samkine
3alami 3alam kan ghewet 'chkoun ghay sme3ni ba9i ghi rebbi li y3te9ni
And as Muslims, the honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to respect our women, and to protect our women. And the only time a Muslim really gets real violent is when someone goes to molest his woman. We will kill you for our woman

Autor(en): Omar Souhaili

Dizzy Dros - 3azzy 3ando Stylo
Album 3azzy 3ando Stylo

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