A.C.N., Aad Mouthaan, Andrew Phillips, Brothers In The Booth, Chase Buch, DJ Monxa, Daniele Papini, Fallhead, Gerard, Helguera & Dominicus, Hierro, JP Chronic, Jo Manji, Jochen Pash, Josh the Funky 1, Josha, Kolombo, Lunde Bros., Martin Dawson, Nick Olivetti, Nicole Moudaber, Oliver Klein, Peter Gelderblom, René Amesz, Romee, SL Curtiz, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello, Steve Kid, Tune Brothers, Uhlenhorst, Valero & Wally Lopez Song Lyrics and Translations

Lyrics for songs by A.C.N., Aad Mouthaan, Andrew Phillips, Brothers In The Booth, Chase Buch, DJ Monxa, Daniele Papini, Fallhead, Gerard, Helguera & Dominicus, Hierro, JP Chronic, Jo Manji, Jochen Pash, Josh the Funky 1, Josha, Kolombo, Lunde Bros., Martin Dawson, Nick Olivetti, Nicole Moudaber, Oliver Klein, Peter Gelderblom, René Amesz, Romee, SL Curtiz, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello, Steve Kid, Tune Brothers, Uhlenhorst, Valero & Wally Lopez