Andries Bezuidenhout - Nagspel - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Andries Bezuidenhout - Nagspel

Die wind speel om die huis se hoeke
The wind plays around the corners of the house
Dis 'n bitter melodie
It's a bitter melody
Wat soos gesigte uit ou boeke
That like faces from old books
Kom en vra ken jy my nie
Comes and asks don't you know me
Jy probeer jouself herinner
You try to remember yourself
Maar jy's gevang deur tyd en plek
But you are caught by time and place
En daar's iets wat jou verhinder
And there's something that prevents you
Om die oorsprong te ontdek
From discovering the source
Want jy's die som van alle jare
Because you're the sum of all the years
En algaande word jy blind
And gradually you go blind
Tog onbegrypend hoor jy snare
Yet incomprehensible you hear strings
Soms in die nagte in die wind
Sometimes in the nights in the wind
En deur die deur se krake
And through the cracks in the door
Skyn 'n skreef kitaar se klank
Shines a sliver of guitar sound
Iets van alle vroeër wake
Something of all the earlier vigils
Iets van bid en hoop en dank
Something of prayer and hope and gratitude
Want wind en ses stil snare
Because wind and six quiet strings
Speel alleen maar 'n duet
Play only a duet
Van vroeër en van later jare
Of earlier and later years
En jy's al wat jy nog het
And you're all you have left
Want jy's die som van alle jare
Because you're the sum of all the years
En algaande word jy blind
And gradually you go blind
Tog onbeskryflik hoor jy snare
Yet indescribably you hear strings
Soms in die nagte in die wind
Sometimes in the nights in the wind

Writer(s): Koos Du Plessis

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