Brams - Herbes i fermentats - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Brams - Herbes i fermentats

Herbes i fermentats
Herbs and Fermented Delights
De xic ja m'agradaven herbes i flors,
As a child, herbs and flowers were my delight,
Les cuidava amb tot el meu amor.
I cared for them with all my might.
Potser és una mania,
Perhaps it's a bit of a craze,
Però em segueixen agradant molt.
But I still adore them, even in my old age.
Especialment la maria,
Especially marijuana, my dear,
La rego i en tinc cura cada dia.
I water it and tend to it, banishing all fear.
Viu al costat d'un gerani
It lives beside a geranium,
Contemplant el Mediterrani.
Admiring the Mediterranean, so handsome.
Si l'èxtasi el trobo quan bec
If ecstasy I find when I drink,
Em ve de quan era un marrec,
It stems from when I was a merry young lad,
Amagat al celler del padrí
Hiding in my grandfather's cellar, I would clink,
Fins que agafava un bon pet
Until I'd had a hearty swig,
Flotant en el perfum diví
Floating in the divine perfume,
Que desprèn aquell bon vi
That emanates from that delicious wine,
Que tans cops m'ha omplert la gerra,
Which has so often filled my cup,
Que tans cops m'ha tirat per terra.
Which has so often made me stumble and sup.
Herbes i fermentats
Herbs and fermented delights,
és el nostre lema,
They're our guiding lights,
El lema dels tronats.
The motto of the slightly mad.
I a qui em digui que sóc un drogat,
And to those who dare to call me a drug addict,
Un bandarra i un tronat,
A hooligan and a misfit,
Jo l'engegaré al carall,
I'll tell them to go to hell,
Que no estic pas mort i enterrat,
For I'm not dead and buried, as they may think I dwell,
I que es quedi amb el detall
And I'll leave them with this detail,
Que una cosa és un cavall
That a horse is not the same as the greenest plant,
I una altra la marihuana:
And marijuana is a healthy herb, no rant:
Herba ferma per a gent sana.
A steady grass for people who aren't so adamant.

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