Choppa - Intro (Meek Mill) Lyrics

Lyrics Intro (Meek Mill) - Choppa

I'm lookin' like I'm gonnaget it, youprolly don't get it
If Inever makeit, don't make any difference I'm still gonnakillit,
Youknow what thedeal is Ain't neverno chillin' when I'm in
Thebuildin' NFis amonster,
Iam avillain My music issick, and you don't know what "ill" is
So youbetter shh, be quiet, youhear it?
I'm 'bout tolose it I'm on a whole different level of music
Nowpicture me writin' when I was a kidtryna makeit in music,
I thinkit iscrazy Ispent all mymoney on studio
Time, tryna get on my music so peoplecould play it
Step in thebooth and I murder it You never heard of a rapper
Thatkillit like Ido Isleep on the couchin the studio Stayup 'til
Three in the morning,
And write'til I get more The momentI wake up I feel like Idon't even
Sleep AndI'm ready toput outmy record Which,
Thank you forbuyin',
Maybe youburned it But either way, I'm gonna wreck it
Try tokeep up with this,
I'm notapuppet Nostring on my back,
I'm one of akind Music ischanging, no way to tame this
Does anyone know where my brain is?
Cocky? Nah, I'm competitive? Thisisa job forme, it's adrenaline
Inever drink, butI live in these bars The momentyou blink isthe
Momentyou lost Say youa king, who putyou incharge?
Don't care what youthink,
I'll break inyour car Climb on the top of it,
Sound thealarm Andwake up the neighborhood,
Rapin your yard Andcarry thespeakers on both of myarms 'Til
Youkeep sleepin' on me,
I'm at large Enoughwith thejokes, I ain't jokin'
I've been through a lotin my life Andit's hard
Toget peopleto listen when no one's behind you
AndI'm sorry, butI gotta leave But, man, this trackwas beautiful
Produced By Tommee Profitt
Written By Tommee Profitt & NF
Mixing Tommee Profitt & Bryan Lenox
Video Producer Patrick Tohill
A&R Brad O'Donnell
Additional Vocals By ChristiWindemuller
Programming By Tommee Profitt
Mastered by "Big Bass" Brian Gardner
Engineered By Tommee Profitt
Release Date March17, 2015
Recorded At Tommee Profitt Studios (Grand
Rapids, MI)& The Glovebox (Nashville, TN)
NEXT UP Mansion NF
Mansion NF
Intro 2. Mansion 3. AllI Have 4. Wait 5. Wake Up 6.
Face It 7. Motivated 8. Notepad 9. Turn The Music Up 10. Paralyzed
I'll Keep On
Can You HoldMe
Mansion [Tracklist + Album Art] The musicvideo for 'Intro' wasfirst
Published through MTV's website. This song was usedfor a... read more
Icome inyour house with a microphone Lookin' like I'm 'bout toset
Up ashow in your kitchen I'm out of my mind, but Ifeel like I'm in it
You better get back,
Idon't writeany filler Iwrite what I feel and I'm feelin' amillion
Don't treat me like Ihave no clue how to dothis
You better rethink what you're thinkin' and move it
I'ma keep it onehundred, my music was terrible,
Learned to get better,
The morethatI made it Goback to my Moments album, most of you people,
Youprolly don't know what I'm sayin', hold up!
What you're witnessin' now?
Don't try tofigure me out Igrab on thatmicrophone,
Jawin' thecrowd Theywas laughin' at me, who they laughin' at now,
Huh? Ilaugh at myself, some people they lookin' like,
"Wow" The momentyou toldme that youwas
Arapper Icouldn't believe it, you believe it now?
Ilook at theindustry,
Look what it did tome You'll never makeit if you nevergrind You
Putawhole lotof money into it You better beready togive it your time
Ilook at thepast awful years of my life
AndI promise youI have been givenit mine
Iam anartist, look what I painted Hangup thecautiontape, I'm dangerous
Rappers are comfortable knowin' they're famous But I,
Really don't care what your name is AndI,
Really don't care if I'm nameless Y'all
Just drivin' around, I know where my lane is
Don't try tobox me in,
I am Mayweather Icome inthe ring, my punches are way better
You come in asession with me,
I'ma show you what dope is Andwhen I say "dope,
" I ain't talkin' 'bout smokin' I'm talkin' 'bout music that has
Anemotion Ilook at this mic,
It's part of myfamily Take it away, I'm comin' to find you
AndthenCapitol camein the picture and gave me ashot Andlook at it now
Ilook at theteam I'm dealin' with,
Agh These peopleain't playin' around Lookin' back,
I gotta laugh Iwas in awhole different placea year ago Ilook at
Themath, I look at themap Andthank you God, I swear it's amiracle
The leastI can doif I murder abeat
Istake thetime togoto its funeral, haha

Writer(s): Jeffrey Atkins, Irving Lorenzo, Robin Mays

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