Christy Moore - Wise and Holy Woman - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and Russian translation Christy Moore - Wise and Holy Woman

Wise and Holy Woman
Мудрая и святая женщина
I met a wise and holy woman near the town where I was walkin'
Я встретил мудрую и святую женщину недалеко от города, где я гулял,
We both sat together down below the Yellow Furze
Мы оба сидели вместе под желтым дроком.
She closed her eyes and started singing
Она закрыла глаза и начала петь
A song about the light that shines and the wonders of the world
Песню о свете, который сияет, и о чудесах мира.
She sang of the forests on the high high mountain
Она пела о лесах на высокой-высокой горе,
The pure clear water and the fresh air we breathe
О чистой прозрачной воде и свежем воздухе, которым мы дышим,
Of the bounty we gain from natures abundance
О щедрости, которую мы получаем от изобилия природы,
And how the mighty oak tree grows from a little seed
И о том, как могучий дуб растет из маленького семечка.
She had an everlasting notion
У нее была вечная мысль,
The wise and holy woman had a neverending dream
У мудрой и святой женщины была бесконечная мечта,
As she called out to the stars glistening on the ocean
Когда она взывала к звездам, мерцающим в океане:
Shine a light, shine a light on me
Освети, освети меня.
She sang a song from the streets of San Paolo
Она спела песню с улиц Сан-Паулу
For the homeless street children who never learned to smile
О бездомных детях, которые разучились улыбаться,
She sang of the shrine they built to Chico Mendez
Она пела о святыне, которую они построили Чико Мендесу,
Where the plantation workers laid his body in the soil
Где работники плантации предали его тело земле.
She sang of the greed we display before our altars
Она пела о жадности, которую мы выставляем напоказ перед нашими алтарями,
The oil soaked cormorant drowning in the tide
О пропитанном нефтью баклане, тонущем в приливе,
She sang of the halting site way out beyond Clondalkin
Она пела об остановке на полпути за Клондалкином,
Where Ann Maughan froze to death between the dump and the railway line
Где Энн Моун замерзла насмерть между свалкой и железной дорогой.
(Outro versesame shape and melody as chorus)
(Outro - куплет с той же формой и мелодией, что и припев)
She sang of the eagle flying high above the mountain
Она пела об орле, парящем высоко над горой,
The otter that swam through rivers and streams
О выдре, которая плыла по рекам и ручьям,
Of the lilies that bloomed and the countless wild flowers
О распустившихся лилиях и бесчисленных полевых цветах
...And the rainbow that rose in the valley of tears
...И о радуге, которая поднялась в долине слез.

Writer(s): Christy Moore

Christy Moore - Christy Moore: The Box Set (1964-2004)
Christy Moore: The Box Set (1964-2004)
date of release

1 North and South
2 Yellow Triangle
3 At the G.P.O. 1980
4 The Bridge at Killaloe (Scariff Martyrs)
5 Shoot out the Streetlights
6 Don't Hand Me Over
7 Southern Winds
8 On the Blanket
9 Hey Paddy
10 Tyrone Boys
11 90 Miles to Dublin
12 The Hamburg Medley
13 Smoke and Strong Whiskey
14 100 Miles from Home
15 Ships in the Forest
16 Danny Boy (Derrylondon Air)
17 Trip to Carnsore
18 Someone to Love
19 All I Remember
20 Grey Lake of Loughrea
21 Aisling
22 The Way Pierce Turner Sings
23 Wicklow Boy
24 Ballinamore
25 Rialto Derry January 1993
26 Paddy on the Road
27 Down in the Valley
28 Finnegan's Wake
29 Tribute to Ewan McColl
30 Whiskey in the Jar
31 Weela Waile
32 The Enniskillen Dragoon
33 Come by the Hill
34 The Lark in the Morning
35 Bridget's Pill
36 The Bould Rake
37 Seth Davy
38 1913 Lockout
39 The Old Man's Song
40 Roots
41 On a Single Day
42 No Time for Love
43 Fouled the Ball
44 Scapegoats
45 On the Bridge
46 Armagh Women
47 Among the Wicklow Hills
48 This Is the Day
49 Lay with Me
50 Johnny Connors
51 Little Musgrave
52 1945
53 Poitín
54 Tippin' It Up
55 Poor Old Earth
56 January Man
57 Quiet Desperation
58 Don't Forget Your Shovel
59 Two Conneeleys
60 Folk Tale
61 The Powdered Milk Brigade
62 In Zurich
63 Goose Green (Taking Tea with Pinochet)
64 Tim Evans
65 St. Patrick's Night in San Fernando
66 Hey! Ronnie Reagan
67 Mullaghmore
68 Who Cares?
69 Nuke Power
70 They Never Came Home
71 Dunnes Stores
72 Johnny Jump Up
73 Three Drunken Maidens
74 Radcliffe Highway
75 Cold Blow
76 Brown Eyes (For Joe Shheran)
77 The Auld Triangle
78 Viva la Quinte Brigada
79 Cry Like a Man
80 Veronica
81 Wise and Holy Woman
82 Strange Ways
83 Cricklewood
84 The Lakes of Pontcharttrain
85 Farewell to Pripchat
86 Dalesman's Litany
87 Anne Lovett
88 Ballindine
89 Changes
90 Different Love Song
91 Lawless
92 Intro
93 Joxer
94 Jack Doyle (The Contender)
95 El Salvador
96 The Raggle Taggle Gypsy
97 John O'Dreams

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