Before it became after school, my heart pounded as if it wanted to burst, and the whole world disappeared after school, leaving not a single person behind
The ground cracked, the earth split, buildings collapsed, and people died one after another
アルフォートの船が沈んで キットカットがバキバキ割れても
The Alfort ship sank, and KitKats snapped in half
君は笑顔でカカオを混ぜる 君は笑顔でクリーム乗せる
You smiled and mixed in the cocoa, you smiled and added the cream
人類絶滅恋愛暴走 地球最後の繊細少女
Human extinction, love run amok, the world's last delicate girl
Everyone, young and old: "(Screaming in agony)"
お爺さん「せっかくバレンタインデーを見越して作ったチョコなのに... チョコなのにー!」
Old man: "I made these chocolates just for Valentine's Day... Just for Valentine's Day!"
Woman: "Wait, what about those chocolates!?"
Man: "Dead. Everyone's dead."
Old man: "...Just for Valentine's Day."
Girl: "What's Valentine's Day, anyway?"
*ヘビー級の恋は見事に角砂糖と一緒に解けた ×2
*Heavy love melted away with sugar cubes ×2
あれから何億年たったと思ってる? そこから何光年離れたと思ってる?
How many hundred million years do you think it's been? How many light years away do you think we are?
Even after the world ended, you made chocolates every day
ストレートパーマは落ちてしまって 元のくせっ毛に戻ってしまって
Your perm came out and your hair is curly again
チョコレートなんかも溶けてしまって スカートの長さも戻ってしまって
Your chocolates melted and your skirt is long again
この世の最後 でもこの感情は消せぬ保証を
At the end of the world, my feelings will never disappear
そのチョコの糖度で決めよう マカダミアンみたく砕く叫びはDamien Ah
Let's decide with the sweetness of that chocolate, I'll crush my cries like macadamias, Damien Ah
"There's no one in the world better than you," and when I realized, you were gone
「僕ら救う義理チョコ下さい」 笑顔で包む最後の女神様
"Save us with your giri chocolate," the last goddess wrapped in a smile
Old man: "Valentine's Day is when, once a year, a girl gives chocolate to a boy she likes!?"
Girl: "From a girl to a boy...?"
Old man: "Yes! It's the day to confess your feelings! Teeheehee!"