George Frideric Handel - Messiah, Part the First: Air (Tenor): Ev'ry valley shall be exalted Lyrics

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George Frideric Handel - Bach & Beyond

1 Cello Concerto in A minor, Wq. 170 / H. 432: I. Allegro assai
2 Missa In illo tempore: 1. Kyrie
3 Cello Concerto in A minor, Wq. 170 / H. 432: II. Andante
4 Missa In illo tempore: 2. Gloria
5 Cello Concerto in A minor, Wq. 170 / H. 432: III. Allegro assai
6 Missa In illo tempore: 3. Credo
7 Cello Concerto in B flat major, Wq. 171 / H. 436: I. Allegretto
8 Missa In illo tempore: 4. Crucifixus à 4
9 Cello Concerto in B flat major, Wq. 171 / H. 436: II. Adagio
10 Missa In illo tempore: 5. [Et in Spiritum sanctum]
11 Cello Concerto in B flat major, Wq. 171 / H. 436: III. Allegro assai
12 Missa In illo tempore: 6. Sanctus
13 Cello Concerto in A major, Wq. 172 / H. 439: I. Allegro
14 Missa In illo tempore: 7. Benedictus
15 Missa In illo tempore: 8. Agnus Dei
16 Cello Concerto in A major, Wq. 172 / H. 439: III. Allegro assai
17 Missa In illo tempore: 9. Agnus Dei 2 à 7
18 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 1. Resposorium: Domine ad adiuvandrum (Canto gregoriano)
19 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 2. Psalmus: Dixit Dominus
20 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 3. Concerto: Nigra sum
21 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 4. Psalmus: Laudate pueri
22 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 5. Concerto: Pulchra es
23 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 6. Psalmus: Lætatus sum
24 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 7. Concerto: Duo Seraphim
25 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 8. Psalmus: Nisi Dominus
26 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 9. Concerto: Audi Coelum
27 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 10. Psalmus: Lauda Jerusalem
28 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 11. Sonata à 8 sopra "Sancta Maria ora pro nobis"
29 Vespro della Beata Vergine: 12. Hymnus: Ave maris stella
30 Magnificat (I) a 7: Magnificat
31 Magnificat (I) a 7: Et exultavit
32 Magnificat (I) a 7: Quia respexit
33 Magnificat (I) a 7: Quia fecit
34 Magnificat (I) a 7: Et misericordia
35 Magnificat (I) a 7: Fecit potentiam
36 Magnificat (I) a 7: Deposuit
37 Magnificat (I) a 7: Esurientes
38 Magnificat (I) a 7: Suscepit Israel
39 Magnificat (I) a 7: Sicut locutus est
40 Magnificat (I) a 7: Gloria Patri
41 Magnificat (I) a 7: Sicut erat
42 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Magnificat
43 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Et exultavit
44 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Quia resplexit
45 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Quia fecit
46 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Et misericordia
47 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Fecit potentiam
48 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Deposuit
49 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Esurientes
50 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Suscepit Israel
51 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Sicut locutus est
52 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Gloria Patri
53 Magnificat (II) a 6 voci: Sicut erat
54 Messiah, Part the First: Symphony
55 Messiah, Part the First: Accompagnato (Tenor): Comfort ye my people
56 Messiah, Part the First: Air (Tenor): Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
57 Messiah, Part the First: Chorus: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
58 Messiah, Part the First: Accompagnato (Bass): Thus saith the Lord
59 Messiah, Part the First: Air (Alto): But who may abide the day of His coming
60 Messiah, Part the First: Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi
61 Messiah, Part the First: Recitative (Alto): Behold, a virgin shall conceive
62 Messiah, Part the First: Air and Chorus: O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
63 Messiah, Part the First: Recitative (Bass): For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
64 Messiah, Part the First: Air (Bass): The people that walked in darkness
65 Messiah, Part the First: Chorus: For unto us a child is born
66 Messiah, Part the First: Pifa
67 Messiah, Part the First: Recitative (Soprano): There were shepherds abiding
68 Messiah, Part the First: Accompagnato (Soprano): And lo, the angel of the Lord
69 Messiah, Part the First: Recitative (Soprano): And the angel said unto them
70 Messiah, Part the First: Accompagnato (Soprano): And suddenly there was with the angel
71 Messiah, Part the First: Chorus: Glory to God in the highest
72 Messiah, Part the First: Air (Soprano): Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion
73 Messiah, Part the First: Recitative (Soprano): Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd
74 Messiah, Part the First: Duet (Alto, Soprano): He shall feed His flock
75 Messiah, Part the First: Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burden is light
76 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Behold the lamb of God
77 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Alto): He was despised and rejected of men
78 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Surely, He hath borne our griefs
79 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: And with His stripes we are healed
80 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray
81 Messiah, Part the Second: Accompagnato (Tenor): All they that see Him laugh
82 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: He trusted in God that He would deliver Him
83 Messiah, Part the Second: Accompagnato (Tenor): Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
84 Messiah, Part the Second: Arioso (Tenor): Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
85 Messiah, Part the Second: Accompagnato (Soprano): He was cut off out of the land
86 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Soprano): But thou didst not leave His soul in Hell
87 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Lift up your heads, O ye gates
88 Messiah, Part the Second: Recitative (Tenor): Unto which of the angels said He
89 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship Him
90 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Soprano): Thou art gone up on high
91 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: The Lord gave the world
92 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Soprano): How beautiful are the feet of Him
93 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Their sound is gone out into all lands
94 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Bass): Why do the nations so furiously rage together
95 Messiah, Part the Second: Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder
96 Messiah, Part the Second: Recitative (Tenor): He that dwelleth in heaven
97 Messiah, Part the Second: Air (Tenor): Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron
98 Messiah, Part the Third: Air (Soprano): I know that my Redeemer liveth
99 Messiah, Part the Third: Chorus: Since by man came death
100 Messiah, Part the Third: Accompagnato (Bass): Behold, I tell you a mystery
101 Messiah, Part the Third: Air (Bass): The trumpet shall sound
102 Messiah, Part the Third: Recitative (Alto): Then shall be brought to pass
103 Messiah, Part the Third: Duet (Alto, Tenor): O Death, where is thy sting
104 Messiah, Part the Third: Chorus: But thanks be to God
105 Messiah, Part the Third: Air (Soprano): If God be for us
106 Messiah, Part the Third: Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

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