Herman Medrano - Te Par De Faghea - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Herman Medrano - Te Par De Faghea

Te Par De Faghea
I Think You're a Jerk
Te par de faghea?
Do you think you are a jerk?
37 ani e pi de 20 i go passà
You're 37 years old and you've been rapping for over 20
A scoltare e fare rap, mi so queo sfigà
And listening, I'm a real loser
Me ne sbato e i me dise che so sensa pudore
I don't care and you say I have no shame
Inpissa a teevision, ghe xe morti a tute e ore
Turn on the TV, there are deaths at all hours
Tiro merda gratis, el sport che te ami
I shoot for free, a sport you love
Te scolti e me cassade, e dopo te ciami
You listen and tear me down, and then you call me
Ti te serchi soeamente de sbaearte a pi non posso
You're just trying to show off as much as you can
Bevi 10 redbull e caghete dosso
You drink 10 Red Bulls and shit your pants
Caraterialmente un insoferente
Morally, a jerk
No te digo dipende, da sempre indipendente
I'm not going to say it depends, I've always been independent
No xe problemi mii, no centro co i to cassi
These are not my problems, I don't care with your troubles
Sta facia no va ben pa parlare ai to ragassi
This face is not good for talking to your kids
Ti te ste co i stupidi pa no sfigurare
You hang out with idiots so you don't look bad
Mi stago co i pi bravi go tanto da imparare
I hang out with the best and I have a lot to learn
E desso che to scarpa de marca no te basta
And now that your designer shoes are not enough for you
Cossa feto co te salta baracca e te rabalta?
What will you do when the shack jumps up and falls down?
Te mando fancueo e te dago un passajo
I'll tell you to fuck off and give you a ride
Tanto vago sempre la, fasemose sto viajo
I always go there, let's take this trip
Go davanti na montagna e da drio un buron
I have a mountain in front and a ravine behind
Sensa bussoea ne corde parchè so un fià cojon
No need to knock or use the bell because I'm a bit of a fool
No me ciapè sul serio, alsa sto voeume
Don't take me seriously, turn up the volume
O no voì sentirme o xe colpa del cerume
Either you don't want to hear me or it's because of the earwax
No funsiono a geton, che te struchi el botòn
I don't work with tokens, that you hit the button
Fermame pa strada: cantame na canson
Stop me in the street: sing me a song
Rapresento un 2% che no se adata
I represent 2% that doesn't fit in
Che sta mae dentro e che fra poco schianta
That's inside me and that's about to die
Che se xe cussì, eora prima te toca ti
If that's the case, now it's your turn
Fin che te si drio masterizarte i me cd
While you're busy making copies of my CDs
Sti figheti col majon sol coeo a mo de sciarpa
These posers with their hair in a scarf like a ski
Che caga cussì alto che ghe vorìa un sherpa
That shit is so high I'd need a Sherpa
Che sogna california, finchè so pare tornia
That dream of California until their parents come back
So mare inforna iori torna casa co naltra sbornia
Their mother bakes cookies and their father comes home drunk again
So sensa alcuna remora co scrivo dee me robe
I have no qualms when I write my own stuff
Fasso na roba in regoea co rivo co do bombe
I do something cool when I arrive with two bombs
Visto che sto rap par mi ormai xe na tragedia
Since this rap for me is now a tragedy
Co me svejo ae 2 de note xe a divina comedia
When I wake up at 2 in the morning, it's the Divine Comedy
Do de note, me also e magno tre pissete
Two in the morning, I get up and eat three pizzas
Dopo na mossarea e 4 masenete
Then a pound of cheese and 4 handfuls of pistachios
So nervoso, magno wurstel fredi e bevo
I'm nervous, I eat cold hot dogs and drink
Aea facia del dotore che ga dito che no devo
In the face of the doctor who said I shouldn't
Herman medrano, deleterio, deretano
Herman Medrano, vicious, asshole
Scoreso metano e fasso cerchi nel grano
I fart methane and make circles in the field
Quando bevo del vin rosso che dentro ga solfiti
When I drink red wine that has sulfites in it
Me grato diese giorni ricoperto dai gormiti
I scratch myself for ten days, covered in Gormits

Writer(s): Dr

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