iAmJakeHill - Idk Lyrics

Lyrics Idk - iAmJakeHill

'What about that place right there?'
'Okay... or that one?'
'I'm not eating mexican food this time.'
'Everywhere else sucks!'
'Well what do you want to eat then?'
'I Don't Know.'
O-K look like,
I'm sick of this shit
Every time I ask you don't ever wanna pick
You get mad when i don't wanna eat what you want,
'But you want seafood I want mexican'
'We always eat that shit'
Every time I pick a place,
You get up in my face
Can never make up your mind,
Girl we running out of time!
There's Burger King and Domino's and Carabbas and Chili's and over there is a McDonald's if you wanna get it
'REALLY? That's all i'm worth?'
That's not what I was saying,
You can tell by the purse that i bought for your birthday
'OKAY, I never asked in the first place All i really wanted was to cuddle like our first date'
I know, but i still bought it, and i'm hungry as fuck so have you thought about it?
'Um, i don't really know'
Better hurry up cause we're running out of road!
'What about that place?'
'What about that place?'
No, i'm bout to turn around
So many places to eat in this town and you can't even pick one i'm losing my shit!
I've been gripping this wheel and it's hurting my wrist!
There's Sonic, Subway, TGI's,
How 'bout we just get a burger at Five Guys?
If not that's fine, it'll be alright,
We'll go to that place where they fired Brad's wife
O'Charleys, Red Lobster and Red Robin too, and there's so many options please pick something soon!
Applebee's, Arby's, Wendy's, Hardee's,
It's not that hard oh my god i'm starving!
Basking Robbins it ain't even a problem
If you wanna even get a little bit of wasabi for your sweet and sour chicken from the China Kitchen.
Maybe go to Benihana, get a snack at Starbucks.
I don't care we can go to Ruby Tuesday's get two plates for twenty Maybe go to Denny's if you're having Trouble looking for a spot there's Plenty!
Just make up your mind.
There's Outback Steak House, iHOP Takeout, Beef O' Brady's tom and Sadies,
Moes, Chik a Fil-a,
'It's a sunday, they're closed.'
Pizza Planet.
'I can't stand it.'
Okay, what about Quizno's?
'Uh. no.'
Cafe Rio?
Captain D's or Things and Wings
I swear to God say Yes to something PLEASE!
'Stop! You just pick.'
All you ever wanted is Nacho, Cheese Fries.
Never compromise with something that we both like,
It's all about you and this shit ain't right.
'JAKE! You're being an ass.'
I'm sorry! i'm hungry, we don't have much gas,
A million suggestions and you just say pass,
The places you wanna eat cost too much cash,
I don't make enough for this shit i just rap!
'Wait, where are we at?'
'Let me check the map.
We're 72 miles away from home.'
'Oh look there's a spot right here!'
'Uh, it looks expensive.'
'You don't know that just go in!
I've never heard of this place,
It looks good though, i can see the food through the window.'
'Oh my god it's 10 at night, let's hurry up and sit down.'
'Damn, alright.'
'It's so cold.'
'I told you to bring your jacket.'
'Let me wear yours!'
'Jake, please.'
'OH HI YA'LL How ya'll doin?
Welcome to Lil' Pinecone Mexican Cuisine!'
'The fuck?'
'I'll be y'all uh. Server and shit.'
'Pinecone? What the fuck are you Doing here? Wait, did you just say Mexican?'
'Uhh, ya.'

Writer(s): iamjakehill

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