1 Welcome to Arcadia (Hero's Theme)
2 Hero's Motif
3 Believe in Magic (Healer's Theme)
4 Healer's Motif
5 The Kingdom Falls (Fighter's Theme)
6 Fighter's Motif
7 Jazz's Dance (Comedian's Theme)
8 Comedian's Motif
9 Decent Into Madness (Anti-Hero's Theme)
10 Anti-Hero's Motif
11 He Awakens (Villain's Theme)
12 Villain's Motif
13 Achievement / Win Motif
14 Failure / Lose Motif
15 Battle Sequence (Long)
16 Battle Sequence (Short)
17 Exploring Sequence (Long)
18 Exploring Sequence (Short)
19 Splash / Start Up Screen
20 Opening Scene
21 Closing Scene
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