1 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: Imperial March
2 E.T.: Adventures on Earth
3 Star Wars: Princess Leia
4 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: Asteroid Field
5 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: Yoda's Theme
6 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Parade of the Ewoks
7 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Luke and Leia
8 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Jabba the Hutt
9 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Forest Battle
10 Alien: Closing Title
11 Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Main Title
12 Star Trek: Main Theme
13 Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Suite
14 2001: A Space Odyssey: Also sprach Zarathustra
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