1 Arrow Root
2 Bergamot
3 Coffin Nails
4 Podina
5 Saffron
6 Elder Blossoms
7 Kava Kava Root
8 Orris Root
9 Powder
10 Zatar
11 Calamus
12 Valerian Root
13 Coltsfoot Leaf
14 Charnsuka
15 Agrimony
16 Pennyroyal
17 Burdock Root
18 Patchouly Leaves
19 Emblica Officinalis
20 Galangal Root
21 Eucalyptus
22 Dature Stramonium
23 Jasmine Blossoms
24 Vinca Rosea
25 Safed Musli
26 Fenugreek
27 Benzoin Gum
28 Lavendar Buds
29 Vervain
30 Shallots
31 Licorice
32 Camphor
33 Dragon's Blood Resin
34 Syrax Gum
35 Myrrh
36 Chrysanthemum Flowers
37 Sumac Berries
38 Coriander
39 Arabic Gum
40 Black Snake Root
41 High John
42 Mullein
43 Spikenard
44 White Willow
45 Bark
46 Sarsaparilla
47 Bergamont
48 All Spice
49 Lemon Grass
50 Orange Blossoms
51 Buckeyes
52 Passion Flower
53 Mugwort
54 Four Thieves Vinegar
55 Dragon's Blood
56 Devil's Shoestring
57 Monosodium Glumate
58 Yellow Dock
59 Nettle Leaves
60 Cinquefoil
61 Wormwood
62 Coca Leaf
63 Blood Root
64 Peach Extract
65 Horehound
66 Lovage
67 Myrtle Leaf
68 Meditation
69 Star Anis
70 Hyssop
71 Red #40
72 Mandrake
73 Who Me?
74 Plumskinzz
75 Humrush
76 Garbage Day #3
77 Constipated Monkey
78 Contact Blitt
79 What A Nigga Know
80 Get-U-Now
81 Smokin' That Shit
82 It Sounded Like A Roc!
Attention! Feel free to leave feedback.