1 Special Report (Confidential Mandog Intro) [Good Luck]
2 Host (Of Problems)
3 The Swarm (Insectivorians)
4 Skills (Decent Sword) [On Sale]
5 Loss (Round 1)
6 Round 2 (Won)
7 Hermit (The Dog)
8 Broken Back (Camel) [Straw]
9 Listen to This
10 Get a Job (No Dogs Allowed) [.....?]
11 Executive Order *Bite the Hand That Feeds* (Gotta Train a Dog) [Pawvolution Interlude] [Return of HandPaw]
12 Hunter (Good Nose)
13 Fuel (Not a Good Toilet but Snacks)
14 Safe House (Rest)
15 Bounce Back (Reflexes) [Fast] [Killed a Fly] [Bear Hands] [Damn Near]
16 77.7 (BPM) [Really Tho] [Djs]
17 Hive Mind (That Ol Boogie Woogie) [Brain Washed] [Population]
18 Lo Anne Ultz (Back Story) [HandPaw/Opossubly]
19 All Starry Sorry (Polite) [Scrapes Plate] [Yo]
20 Baloney Station (Bus Stop) (Extended OG Dog Version)
21 Caught (In Traffic) [No Frogger] [Look Both Ways]
22 Dead (All Dogs Go to Heaven) [Death] [Of HandPaw?] [Ferret Faucet] [Gwyneth Poutroy] [Opossubly Outro]
Attention! Feel free to leave feedback.