Marcelo - Šankeru - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marcelo - Šankeru

To the Bartender
Ti si moj najbolji drug.
You're my best friend tonight.
Noćas si moj saputnik. Sapatnik. Jer si... tu.
My companion. My confidant. Because... you're here.
Vidiš ove ožiljke?
See these scars?
Posekli me jezici.
Tongues have cut me deep.
Svečano te zabole,
You couldn't care less, of course,
Al' ti me barem ni za šta ne kriviš.
But at least you don't blame me for anything.
Iskrvari mi iz flaše u čašu.
Bleed my bottle into the glass.
Iz čaše u dušu, gde nekad živeo je svet.
From the glass into my soul, where a world once lived.
Uzmi otruj me, samo mi ne kvari
Take it, poison me, just don't spoil
(Daj mi)
(Give me)
Ovaj ples sa njom, ovaj zaplet loš, moj napet šou.
This dance with her, this bad plot, my tense show.
Proliv osećanja, dok povraćam šta sanjam,
A diarrhea of feelings, as I vomit what I dream,
Da ti se zgadim da me ne bi slušao do kraja,
Hoping you'll be disgusted and not listen to the end,
Jer su to kafanska sranja. I sluz ispod šanka
Because this is barroom crap. Slime beneath the counter.
Da život postao je i sevdah, i kara.
Life has become both longing and a fucking mess.
Ljudi su me popili... vidiš, sad sam samo dance,
People have drunk me... see, now I'm just a dance,
što cakli tek pod zadimljenim svetlom kafane.
Sparkling only under the smoky light of the tavern.
Al' tu nema epske priče, i svi razlozi su fuš stih.
But there's no epic story here, and all the reasons are shoddy verses.
Ljudi iznužde razloge. A tužni su što su tužni.
People force reasons. And they're sad because they're sad.
Zapekli u prirodni čamot što ih vodi ovamo
Stuck in the natural clay that leads them here
Da sednu i šikaju i izmisle svoj razlog.
To sit and hiss and invent their own reasons.
Nema čak ni tragedije što bi dala povod.
There's not even a tragedy to give cause.
Nedogađaj. Prošluješ. Sav si kao govno.
A non-event. You pass through. You're all like shit.
I sam si kao Bog svoj. Bolestan od ljudi.
And you're your own God. Sick of people.
Umoran od sebe i istrošen do srži.
Tired of yourself and worn to the core.
Pričaju o zemlji, uzmu pričaju o plati...
They talk about the land, then they talk about their pay...
Pa i ja. I tu sam negde prestao da mladim.
And so do I. And that's where I stopped getting younger.
Imaš tri banke, i odjednom nije to-to.
You have three banks, and suddenly it's not enough.
Sve manje raskršća, samo mirni put kroz Mordor.
Fewer crossroads, just a quiet road through Mordor.
I ne sećaš se kad si na život navuk'o kondom,
And you don't remember when you pulled a condom over life,
I kad se tako ravnodušno slepio sa kožom.
And when you so indifferently fused with your skin.
I smeškaš se, živuckaš, sve kul, sve ide dobro.
And you smile, you live, everything's cool, everything's going well.
Tek, bezimena tuga u tebi živi svoj komfor.
Just, a nameless sadness lives its comfort within you.
Flaširana sinestezija. Ples za vinske muve.
Bottled synesthesia. A dance for wine flies.
I krivica što nisi umeo bolje da umeš.
And the guilt that you couldn't do better.
Sa dvadeset, gledaš u budućnost dvogledom.
At twenty, you look at the future through binoculars.
Nije dobro, ali biće bolje dok se tamo dođe.
It's not good, but it will be better when you get there.
I grabiš kroz to raskršće, i za sve si rođen!
And you grab through that crossroads, and you were born for everything!
Između tebe i futura beskrajno polje volje.
Between you and the future an endless field of will.
Velika setva nade. Trčanje kroz kalendar.
The great sowing of hope. Running through the calendar.
Trud, snaga, vera al' samo jedan treptaj,
Effort, strength, faith but just one blink,
I bum stakla tvog dvogleda su paramparčad,
And boom the lenses of your binoculars are shattered,
Jer udare u budućnost. I nije baš krasan prasak.
Because they hit the future. And it's not a pretty bang.
Budućnost je tu, to je ovo, i nije baš nešto.
The future is here, it's this, and it's not much.
Velika žetva trnja, probušeno meso.
The great harvest of thorns, pierced flesh.
Iz rupa curi svašta, ali najbrže nada.
All sorts of things leak from the holes, but hope leaks the fastest.
I tako obogaljen, zveraš u cirkus iz pakla.
And so, crippled, you stare at the circus from hell.
Bensendirani građani, kasting za Walking dead;
Brainwashed citizens, casting for the Walking Dead;
Vođe i vladari što igraju Game of thrones;
Leaders and rulers playing Game of Thrones;
Uklopljivi u svašta suštinski govore ništa.
Those who fit into everything essentially say nothing.
Bez etabliranja, etabloidiranje sija.
Without establishment, tabloidization shines.
Žale devedesete, uz tablete za smirenje.
They mourn the nineties, with tranquilizers.
Klinci slave devedesete, uz tAblete za smirenje.
Kids celebrate the nineties, with trAnquilizers.
Beše polet za uzlet, al' sve beše samo izlet.
There was a momentum for takeoff, but it was all just a trip.
Raskršće se suzilo na sokak kojim ideš.
The crossroads narrowed to the alley you walk.
Baloni ispucani po patosu posle žurke.
Balloons burst on the floor after the party.
Ploča koji preskače. Iznurene njuške.
A record that skips. Exhausted faces.
Cigara što me puši. U čaši nešto duše.
A cigarette that smokes me. Some soul in the glass.
I krivica što neću umeti bolje da umrem.
And the guilt that I won't know how to die better.

Writer(s): Aleksandar Jovanović šljuka, Marko šelić, Rade Raid Sklopić

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