Die Hard
1 John & Holly Meet / The Van
2 Terrorists Arrive
3 Lines Are Cut
4 Party Crasher / First Fight
5 McClane Escapes / Gruber's Speech
6 Fire Alarm
7 Planting the Explosives
8 The Guard
9 Small Shoes / Elevator
10 Now I Have a Machine Gun!
11 On the Roof
12 Roof Battle
13 Don't Shoot! / Gruber Falls
14 Dead Body
15 News Room
16 Preparing to Come In
17 The Assault
18 John & Al / Ellis Dies
19 Gruber's Demands
20 McClane & Gruber Meet
21 FBI
22 Al 's Story / Power Cut
23 The Safe Opens
24 Emptying the Safe
25 The Fight Begins
26 Choppers Arrive
27 The Fight Continues
28 Choppers Attack
29 Choppers Fall / Finale
30 Resolution
31 McClane's Theme
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