1 If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands
2 Old Macdonald Had a Farm
3 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
4 The Runaway Train
5 Bingo Was His Name-O
6 The Wheels On The Bus
7 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
8 One Finger, One Thumb
9 Incy Wincy Spider
10 Two Little Dickie Birds
11 Ten Green Bottles
12 There's a Hole in My Bucket
13 This Is the Way (We Wash Our Hands)
14 Abc Song (The Alphabet Song)
15 Horsey Horsey
16 We're All Going To The Zoo
17 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
18 The Ants Go Marching
19 Five Brown Buns In The Bakers Shop
20 Three Little Kittens
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