1 Saps per Què? (I Know Why)
2 Canta'm Paraules-Vols Ballar? (Lovely to Llok at-I Won't Dance)
3 Mes Enlla d'On Hi Ha L'Iris (Over the Rainbow)
4 Nit Musica i Somni (You and the Night and the Music)
5 He Tingut un Somni (Dream Lover)
6 M'Enamoren els Timadors (The Entertainment)
7 Emmanuelle
8 Potser Mai, en Cap Moment... (What are You Doing the Rest of Your Life)
9 Vals (When You and I Where Seventeen)
10 No Se Com Estimar-lo (I Don't Know How to Love Him)
11 Mes Enlla....Dema (Beyond Tomorrow)
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