Pekado - Y al Final - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pekado - Y al Final

Y al Final
And In The End
Abrimos el cuento, comenzamos la historia, porque todo tiene un final
We open the story, we begin the tale, because everything has an end.
Y al principio, todo es perfecto, y sin que nadie lo sepa,
And in the beginning, everything is perfect, and without anyone knowing,
Camino disimulando mis defectos en el acto, quizás aquel día, m
I walk, concealing my flaws in the act, maybe that day, my
I sueño fue sonar en compacto, decían, oye, no es para tanto.
dream was to play on a CD, they said, "Hey, it's not that big of a deal".
Pero es mi ilusión, y por ella cada día me levanto y aprendí algo, si
But it's my dream, and for it, I wake up every day and learned something: if
Empre mirando al frente, porque conoces gente, porque,
You start by looking ahead, because you meet people, because,
Porque estar solo, mejor si tienes alguien a tu alrededor ¿No?.
Because being alone, it’s better if you have someone around, right?.
No tarde en darme en cuenta,
I didn't take long to realize,
Que ya no solo basta el sudor, era factor entre otros tantos.
That sweat was no longer enough, it was one factor among many.
Es como apostar al canto de una moneda,
It's like betting on the flip of a coin,
Eran 16 primaveras, un chico en una ciudad donde el sol te quema.
It was 16 springs, a boy in a city where the sun burns you.
Su sonido fue la novedad, un soplo de aire fugaz,
Its sound was the novelty, a fleeting breath of air,
Si hoy miras sus ojos, ya no lo veras, da que pensar,
If you look into his eyes today, you won't see it anymore, it's something to think about,
Cuando lo más importante de mi vida era estudiar, yo,
When the most important thing in my life was studying, I
Solía escapar a pasear y esconderme, y aun hoy,
used to escape to walk and hide, and even today,
No consiguen encontrarme, sigo en mi prisión de carne, y hueso,
They can't find me, I'm still in my prison of flesh and bone,
22 años, y sigo ileso, o al menos eso,
22 years old, and I'm still unharmed, or at least that's what
Dicen, ay son tan pocas las cosas que me seducen.
They say, "Oh, so few things seduce me.”
Si no saben responderme,
If they can't answer me,
Porque temen la muerte,
Because they fear death,
Porque estoy vivo, y siento mi corazón inerte.
Because I'm alive, and I feel my heart inert.
Porque debo de ser fuerte,
Because I must be strong,
Si ya nada me divierte, quizás hoy sueñe y mañana no despierte.
If nothing amuses me anymore, maybe I'll dream today and not wake up tomorrow.
No te siento ni al tocarte,
I don't feel you even when I touch you,
Ya no quiero besarte, perdí tus cartas, y ya no importa olvidarte.
I don't want to kiss you anymore, I lost your letters, and it doesn't matter to forget you anymore.
Por eso estoy aparte,
That's why I'm apart,
Y ten presente no descartes,
And keep in mind, don't rule out,
Que quizás hoy luche y mañana ya descanse."
That maybe I will fight today and rest tomorrow.”
Es mi eterna pregunta, la que nunca se responde, mi vida sigue donde,
It's my eternal question, the one that is never answered, my life continues where
La deje, ya la olvide, es mi conciencia la que se esconde,
I left it, I forget it already, it's my conscience that's hiding,
Es el paso de tiempo el que me confunde,
It's the passage of time that confuses me,
Quizás sea feliz solo con mis
Maybe I'm happy just with my
Lápices, pero me falta un ápice de paz, qu
Pencils, but I'm missing a bit of peace, I
Iero volver a soñar con esas cosas imposibles,
Want to dream again about those impossible things,
Que tus labios me hacían realidad,
That your lips made real for me,
Quiero calmar mis ansias, y volver a empezar.
I want to calm my anxieties, and start over.
Ya, mi piel inerte, no siente ni la muerte, no importa nada,
Now, my inert skin doesn't even feel death, nothing matters,
Vivo, con un nudo en la garganta, desde que el mundo se me atraganta.
I live with a lump in my throat, ever since the world has been choking me.
Que hay más allá de esas fronteras, q
That there is more beyond those borders, who
Uien me convence de que será mejor que estas aceras.
Can convince me that it will be better than these sidewalks.
Y si me vieras, son solo unos años, y no creo que me reconocieras,
And if you saw me, it's only been a few years, and I don't think you would recognize me,
Veras, mi mundo mágico, paso a ser trágico, y
You see, my magical world became tragic, and
O sigo alérgico a lo lógico y siendo igual de catastrófico.
I'm still allergic to logic and just as catastrophic.
Enséñame a mirar con otros ojos, a
Teach me to look with different eyes, to
Disfrutar este paisaje de catálogo, a llegar más lejos, y
Enjoy this catalog landscape, to go further, and
Ser tu homologo y olvidarme de una vez de mis complejos,
Be your counterpart and forget my complexes once and for all,
A ser psicólogo y darme mis propios consejos,
To be a psychologist and give myself my own advice,
A saber borrar mi epilogo y poder llegar a viejo, a darlo todo,
To know how to erase my epilogue and be able to grow old, to give it my all,
Por la imagen que se refleja en mi espejo, a disfrutar,
For the image that is reflected in my mirror, to enjoy
De la vida a mi antojo,
Life as I please,
A escuchar mis pensamientos, y descubrir que de verdad escojo.
To listen to my thoughts, and discover that I really choose.
Si no saben responderme,
If they can't answer me,
Porque temen la muerte,
Because they fear death,
Porque estoy vivo, y siento mi corazón inerte.
Because I'm alive, and I feel my heart inert.
Porque debo de ser fuerte,
Because I must be strong,
Si ya nada me divierte, quizás hoy sueñe y mañana no despierte.
If nothing amuses me anymore, maybe I'll dream today and not wake up tomorrow.
No te siento ni al tocarte,
I don't feel you even when I touch you,
Ya no quiero besarte, perdí tus cartas, y ya no importa olvidarte.
I don't want to kiss you anymore, I lost your letters, and it doesn't matter to forget you anymore.
Por eso estoy aparte,
That's why I'm apart,
Y ten presente no descartes,
And keep in mind, don't rule out,
Que quizás hoy sueñe y mañana no descanse."
That maybe I'll dream today and not wake up tomorrow.”
Si no saben responderme,
If they can't answer me,
Porque temen la muerte,
Because they fear death,
Porque estoy vivo, y siento mi corazón inerte.
Because I'm alive, and I feel my heart inert.
Porque debo de ser fuerte,
Because I must be strong,
Si ya nada me divierte, quizás hoy sueñe y mañana no despierte.
If nothing amuses me anymore, maybe I'll dream today and not wake up tomorrow.
No te siento ni al tocarte,
I don't feel you even when I touch you,
Ya no quiero besarte, perdí tus cartas, y ya no importa olvidarte.
I don't want to kiss you anymore, I lost your letters, and it doesn't matter to forget you anymore.
Por eso estoy aparte,
That's why I'm apart,
Y ten presente no descartes,
And keep in mind, don't rule out,
Que quizás hoy LUCHE y mañana YA descanse."
That maybe I'll FIGHT today and ALREADY rest tomorrow.”

Writer(s): Miguel Francisco Becerra

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