Rokh - Sefid - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rokh - Sefid

غصه نخور زمان سراب نیست
Don't worry, time is not a mirage
هسته رو بکار اگه میوه پلاسید
Plant the seed if the fruit has wilted
دروغت میگه رو چی حسّاسی
Your lies are telling you what you're sensitive about
گیر خودشه هرکی از خودشه فراری
It's a trap, everyone is running away from themselves
این جهان من رو به تفکّر وا میداره
This world makes me think
هر آدمی به خودش یه وامی داره
Every human being owes something to themselves
نیست ملالی زندگی جاریه
There is no sorrow, life is flowing
دو تا هواکش نصب کن جا ریه
Install two air vents instead of lungs
به خودت بپیچ اگه دنبال جوابی
Wrap yourself up if you're looking for an answer
پیشت بمونه این نصیحت
Hold on to this advice
باید تنهایی به نور رسید
You have to reach the light alone
شاپرک ها بی هم پیله ن
Moths are never alone in their cocoons
پس اگه تکی آس باش
So if you're alone, be an ace
آینه شو تا بدی بازتاب
Become a mirror to reflect
کی پای غُر غُر وزغ میشینه جز باتلاق ؟
Who sits by the swamp listening to the toad's nagging?
عشق هرجا باشه واس ما آشناس
Love is familiar wherever it is
وقتی همپای خودتی
When you are on the same page as yourself
تک نمیفتی لای دو دلیت
You won't get stuck between your two hearts
دنیا یه کتابه به چه گندگی
The world is a book, how big is it?
اگه توش به کوچیکی یه نقطه ای
If you're as small as a dot in it
عوضش میتونی بشی ختم کلام
You can still be the end of the story
کی گفته اندازه ضعفه ؟
Who said size is a weakness?
فاصله دو تا ستاره یه بند انگشته و
The distance between two stars is a finger's width, and
با یه ترک پاچیده س
It is broken by a single crack
سدّی که مدّعی بود آب دیده س
The dam that claimed to have seen water
خوشبختی چیه ؟
What is happiness?
فک کنم نه گنج قارونه نه عمر جاوید
I don't think it's a treasure chest or eternal life
خوشبختی چیه ؟
What is happiness?
شاید درک اینکه چرا نور روی غنچه تابید
Maybe it's understanding why the light shines on the flower bud
بی پرسش نمیرم از دنیا مشتی
I won't die without asking the question
خوشبختی یعنی اینکه هر لحظت رو بپرسی
Happiness is about asking yourself every moment
که کی هستی
Who you are
That's it
غصّه نخور هر ثانیه س یه قطره
Don't worry, every second is a drop
شنا کن تو اقیانوس لحظه
Swim in the ocean of the moment
جاری شو موج نداره مرداب
The current doesn't flow in a swamp
بپر از دیوار حاشات من میگیرم قلّاب
Jump over the wall of barriers, I'll hook you
بخورم غم چی که غصّه در پیته
Why should I carry the burden of sadness and sorrow?
رُخ ، یه مشرقی سر به زیره
Rokh, an oriental modest man
راستی میارزه چی به اشک دیده ؟
Truthfully, what is worth the tears in your eyes?
لحظه مرگ مردی که به خودش بدهکاره
The moment of death for a man who is indebted to himself
دنیا صد مدل طلسم داره
The world has a hundred kinds of spells
دست هنرمندی که تو گل مائه ببوس
Kiss the hand of the artist who creates flowers
تا این دله واشه
As long as this heart is beating
میگی بابا دنیا الکیه
You say, "Dad, the world is a lie."
میگم دنیا عجب الکیه
I say, "The world is strangely a lie."
دونه درشت باش تا توش موندگار شی
Be a big seed to stay in it
این رسم صور فلکیه
This is the rule of the constellation
دل دریای ما که خیلی وقته
Our ocean heart hasn't been
از تیغ لنگر نمیرنجه
Hurt by the sharp anchor for a long time
هر روز اینو بیشتر میفهمم
I understand it more and more every day
که جهان الفباش هم خیلی حرفه
That the world's alphabet is also very professional
پرواز ستاره ی دنباله دار
The flight of the shooting star
رویام رو زنده میکرد تو آسمون
Kept my dream alive in the sky
شاید چون حرکت معنای آدمیه و
Maybe because movement is the meaning of man, and
آدمی زنده س به آرزو
Man is alive with hope
خوشبختی چیه ؟
What is happiness?
فک کنم نه گنج قارونه نه عمر جاوید
I don't think it's a treasure chest or eternal life
خوشبختی چیه ؟
What is happiness?
شاید درک اینکه چرا نور روی غنچه تابید
Maybe it's understanding why the light shines on the flower bud
بی پرسش نمیرم از دنیا مشتی
I won't die without asking the question
خوشبختی یعنی اینکه هر لحظت رو بپرسی
Happiness is about asking yourself every moment
که کی هستی
Who you are
That's it
فقط همین
Just that

Rokh - Ahli
date of release

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