1 Opening, Lekuvid Shabbos, Tizkeh, Kivsa Achas, Bitchu, Sinai (Live)
2 Nigun Simcha (Live)
3 Besiyata Dishmaya (Live)
4 Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li (Live)
5 Emes (Live)
6 A Little Bit of Light (Live)
7 Bo Yavo (Live)
8 Adon Olam (Live)
9 Rachmana (Live)
10 Rabi Nehorai (Live)
11 Ein Od Milvado (Live)
12 Yesh Borei Olam (Live)
13 Ki Anu Amecha (Live)
14 Dee Zeides (Live)
15 Tzaakah (Live)
16 Nafshi - Yerav Na (Live)
17 Yerav Zitz (Live)
18 Freilach (Live)
19 6th Hakafah (Live)
20 Hatov Hatov (Live)
21 Ko Omar (Live)
22 Meloich (Live)
23 Sheinis (Live)
24 Uvayom Simchaschem (Live)
25 Adama V'shamayim (Live)
26 Eliyahu Hanavi (Live)
27 Mi Lashem Elai (Live)
28 Yisgadal (Live)
29 Revach (Live)
30 Geula (Live)
31 Yoimum (Live)
32 Chusen Zitz (Live)
33 Tzorchei Amcho (Live)
34 Baruch Hashem (Live)
35 Tzomoh (Live)
36 Sheyehei Hakol (Live)
37 Efshar Le'taken (Live)
38 Malachei Rachamim (Live)
39 Ribon (Live)
40 Shetadricheini, Hamelech, Venomar Amein (Live)
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