Sima Martausová - Sonety - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sima Martausová - Sonety

V tichu hrdých alejí, topoľov a jarných briez
In the silence of proud avenues, of poplars and spring birches
V sebe zisťujem, čo život je a čo v ňom je cez
I discover in myself what life is and what is already in it
Dôkazom, že vždy človek k dobru zavanie
The proof that man always blows towards good
Je jeho vlastné svedomie a následne pokánie
It's his own conscience and subsequent repentance
A verným dôkazom, že si, bože, ľuďom vyhovel,
And as a true proof that you, O God, have pleased the people,
pre mňa všedné závraty ako plásty medové
Are the everyday dizzinesss like honeycombs for me
V sile ťažkej pšenice a snopov sena na poliach
In the strength of heavy wheat and sheaves of hay in the fields
Prechádzam s malým batôžkom, kde sa ľudia neboja
I walk with a small backpack, where people are not afraid
A v ruke mám kríž z koraliek, spievam nahlas žalmy si
And in my hand I have a cross of beads, I sing psalms out loud
Slnko, sťaby hračkou svetla, z božích rúk len si visí
The sun, as if a toy of light, hangs only from God's hands
Aj keby všetko zlyhalo a nič nebolo
Even if everything failed and nothing was
V knihách božia láska ostane, nikdy nezlyhá
In the books, God's love remains, it will never fail
V teple piecky domova zabúdame na prepych
In the warmth of the home stove we forget about luxury
Vo vlne pevných kabátov, sťaby z rokov dvadsiatych
In waves of solid coats, as if from the twenties
Si občas povzdychneme, že bolo aj viac priaznivo
We sometimes sigh that it was even more pleasant
No pravda, je v stretnutiach, ktoré boli naživo
But the truth is in the meetings that were live
A radosť, je ukrytá v časoch menej hektických
And joy, hidden in less hectic times
S básňou, že dar viery mám v modlitbe, zatajujem dych
With a poem that I have the gift of faith in prayer, I hold my breath
V láske, čo je obetou, učím sa, čo vlastne je
In love, which is a sacrifice, I learn what it actually is
Prečo lásku pečatia priesvitne biele záveje
Why love seals with translucent white veils
A viem, že človeka to vždy viacej ťahá ku dobru
And I know that it always draws man more towards good
Iba z lásky ku ľuďom chcem dať vázy na obrus
Only out of love for people do I want to put vases on the tablecloth
Aj keby všetko zlyhalo a nič nebolo
Even if everything failed and nothing was
V knihách božia láska ostane a nikdy nezlyhá
In the books, God's love remains and will never fail
Sype sa na kvety, v tichu hrdých alejí píše ľuďom sonety
It pours on flowers, writes sonnets to people in the silence of proud avenues
Nezlyhá, hoc visíš na lane, aj keby všetko odišlo
Will not fail, though hanging by a thread, even if everything is gone
Ona ostane, na ostane, ona ostane, ona ostane
Remain, remain, remain, remain

Writer(s): Sima Martausova

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