The Cow Says... Fun! - 60 Silly Sound Effects for Laughing and Learning with Your Child: Animal Sounds, Planes, Trains, And More!
date of release
1 Sheep 2
2 Tiger
3 Tiger 2
4 Sh-3 Helicopter Flying By
5 Diesel Truck Horn
6 Duck Quacking
7 Chinese Gong
8 Goofy Noise
9 Funny Sounds
10 Police Car With Siren
11 Jet Plane Fly By
12 Cash Register Sounds
13 Lazer Beam
14 Continuous Thunder
15 Giggling and Laughing
16 Fire Truck
17 Train
18 Trolley
19 Train Steam Whistle
20 Tugboat
21 Motorcycle
22 Sheep
23 seal
24 Rhinoceros
25 Crocodile
26 Dog bark
27 Dog
28 Dolphin
29 Elephant trumpeting
30 Elephant
31 Horse 2
32 Horse whinny
33 Jaguar
34 Jungle Animal Sounds
35 Lion
36 Lion 2
37 Monkey
38 Monkey 2
39 Owl
40 Penguin
41 Ram
42 Rattlesnake
43 Rooster
44 Bear
45 Bird chirps
46 Bird songs
47 Cat
48 Another Cat
49 Chickens
50 Chickens 2
51 Cow
52 Cow 2
53 Crickets
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