Steam Powered Giraffe - Introduction (Live) [Dialogue] Lyrics

Lyrics Introduction (Live) [Dialogue] - Steam Powered Giraffe

The Spine: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Spine: It's good to be here in beautiful Pliffterston, New Pennsyltucky, here at the newly restored Globe of Yesterday's Tomorrow!
Rabbit: Ah, it seems like only yesterday that we were here for the 1956 Pliffterston, N-New Pennsyltucky World's Fair!
S: Ah, yes.
R: That was a good time at a real city and state.
S: This is a real city and state!
R: It certainly is a real city and state.
S: Such a beautiful real city and state.
The Jon: Uhh, guys?
S: Yes Jon?
Jon: Where are we?
S: Pliffterston, New Pennsyltucky!
R: That's right; Pliffterston, New Pennsyltucky!
R: ...that's a real city and state.
J: Well, now that the... rat's in the kitchen, why don't we introduce ourselves?
S: What does that mean, Jon?
J: "That's a great idea, The Jon!"
S: Alright Jon... Uh, how 'bout you go ahead first, Rabbit?
R: Well, if you insist.
R: My name is Rabbit! And I was b-built back in 1896.
R: Y-y-y-y-you know, back when it was still illegal for women to read and write.
R: And all the men dressed like Mr. Peanut!
R: I'm like, ah, a priceless antique.
S: Yes, Rabbit, you've aged like a fine milk.
S: Hi. I'm The Spine. And I was built with a titanium alloy spine.
J: Hahah... And?
S: And what?
R: Is that it?
S: Yeah.
J: Well, there's gotta be more.
S: No, that's my... backstory.
J: Ohhh...
S: Thank you. I wrote that one myself.
R: We know you did.
S: And last but not least, we have the one and only...
R: The one of many...
Both: The Jon!
J: Hi, my name's- whoops!
J: That's weird.
S: Did your pants just fall down?
J: Wardrobe malfunction...
S: Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen- Jon, we told you to keep your suspenders on!
J: Sorry!
S: That's what they're for, to suspend.
R: Yeah, and take those lobster claws off your hands.
S: I was gonna ask, why are you wearing a sombrero as well?
R: I think you can keep the sombrero, I kinda like it.
S: It's kind of festive, kind of sets the mood.
R: Alright, now I think it's time for another song...
R: So uh, without further ado, here comes a wizard riding a dragon-
R: He's gonna land here on stage...
J: Oh there it is, I see it!
R: There it is, there's the ballot form.
S: Uhh, you need a ballot to know what the next song is? You don't just know it already?
R: Hello Mister Wizard. Gimme that- thank you.
R: Alright. I'm reading it right now.
S: Ah, I know what the next song is now.
S: I already knew, but...
J: Whoops!
Spine and Rabbit: Joooonnn!

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