Steel Pulse - Stay Wid De Ridim Lyrics

Lyrics Stay Wid De Ridim - Steel Pulse

Ladies and Gentlemen
This is your Station Master speaking
Welcome aboard this Reggae Train
Please make yourself at home
'Cause this is a non-stop service
To your inner soul
I hope you enjoy your journey
And continue to travel with us in the future
Come and join in dis ya session
'Cause we're going on a mission
Get your ticket at the station
'Cause we're making this connection
We have been to many places
We've been near and far
We have learned to count our blessings
We have seen our guiding star
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Pick up your bags and get your ticket
Don't hang around or you will miss it
This is the King Sound, whole world love it
Sweet reggae music, mek you so fit
Hey hey rock with the vibe, don't disturb it
Move with the beat and groove it
Bubble and settle bit by bit
Stay with the rhythm, don't quit
We've got goals and aspirations
We've got hopes and we've got fears
We're flesh and blood and mind and spirit
We make laughter and cry tears
Pick up your bags and get your ticket
Don't hang around or you will miss it
This is the King Sound, whole world love it
Sweet reggae music, mek you so fit
Hey hey rock with the vibe, don't disturb it
Move with the beat and groove it
Bubble and settle bit by bit
Stay with the rhythm, don't quit
We're moving in the right direction
As we're making this connection
This train ride is like a vision
Many are called but few are chosen
Pick up your bags and get your ticket
Don't hang around or you will miss it
This is the King Sound, whole world love it
Sweet reggae music, mek you so fit
Hey hey rock with the vibe, don't disturb it
Move with the beat and groove it
Bubble and settle bit by bit
Stay with the rhythm, don't quit

Steel Pulse - Handsworth Revolution / State of Emergency / Rastafari Centennial

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