1 Amazing Grace
2 As Hy Weer Kom
3 Gebed
4 One Day At A Time
5 Bringing in the Sheaves
6 Blye Versekering
7 Dona Nobis Pacem
8 Emmanuel
9 Gaan My Nie Verby O Heiland
10 In the Garden
11 Jesus Gee Krag
12 Canon
13 Majesteit
14 Bread of Heaven
15 Battle Hymn
16 Rock Of Ages
17 Soos 'N Hert
18 Loof Die Here
19 Wat 'n Friend Het Ons In Jesus
20 Why Me Lord
21 Nader My God Aan U
22 Beethoven's Symphony No.9
23 Jesus Joy of Man's Desire
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