1 Travel White Noise
2 Simple Static
3 Low Wobbler
4 Long Haul Flight Loop
5 Airy Brown
6 60Hz Noise Tone
7 Deep Synth
8 Slow White Tremelo
9 Blustery White
10 Rise and Fall White Noise
11 Wah Hum Low
12 Ascend Descend White
13 Blustery White Noise
14 Brownian Low Tone
15 Pink Crackling
16 Smoothed Pink Noise
17 Flowing Pink Noise
18 Binaural Pulsate
19 Stereo Static
20 Ruined Vinyl
21 Echo Chimes
22 Bass Binaural Pulse
23 Shifting Static
24 Thundery Noise
25 Wobbly White Noise
26 Breathy White Noise
27 Rushing Static
28 Silver Noise
29 Crackling White Noise
30 Sonar Like Binaurals
31 Wind Chime Loop
32 Wah Noises
33 Aeroplane Cabin
34 White Noise Rain and Wind
35 Binaural Dual Tone
36 3 Minutes of Binaural Beats
37 Binaural Concentration
38 Sleep to Binaural Beats
Attention! Feel free to leave feedback.