1 Chrysanthemums (Chryzantemy)
2 My Russia (Rasseushka moja)
3 Poplars (Topolia)
4 Apple Tree (Jablonka)
5 A Bell (Kolokolchik)
6 My Fire (Moj koster)
7 Near Valley, Near Lawn (Pri doline, pri luzhku)
8 Ural Mountain Ash (Uralskaya riabinushka)
9 From Forest In The Evening (Vecher pozdno iz lesochka)
10 In The Garden, In The Kitchen Garden (Vo sadu li, v ogorode)
11 Is It My Fault? (Vinovata li ja?)
12 The Bird Cherry Tree Is Heaving Outside (Pod oknom cheremucha kolyshetsia)
13 Suffering (Stradania)
14 Where Do You Dear Path Go? (Kuda bezhish, tropinka milaya?)
15 Oh, Frost, Frost (Oj moroz, moroz)
16 A Coach Was Near A Church (U cerkwi stojala kareta)
17 Cossacks Whistled (Zasvistali kozachenki)
18 The Golden Grove Lost It's Leaves (Otgovorila roshcha zolotaya)
19 The Song's Around (I ljetsia pesnia)
20 Willows (Ivushki)
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