Yutaka Ozaki - Identification - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Yutaka Ozaki - Identification

Wow... Wow... Wow...
Wow... Wow... Wow...
俺は貧しさの中で生まれ 親の愛も知らずに育った
I was born into poverty and raised without parental love
Violence was my only teacher
街角で娼婦の客をとり 路地裏で薬を売りさばき
On the streets, I pimped for prostitutes and sold drugs in back alleys
But that was just a disguise
ある日 役目をまわされた 政治家を一人殺るやまさ
One day, I was given a mission: to assassinate a politician
跳べと言われれば 今の俺にはそれしか生きる術がない
When they told me to jump, I had no choice but to obey
Woo 渇いた 銃声(じゅうせい)が奴の頭をぶち抜いた
Woo The dry gunshot shattered his skull
Woo 次は俺が殺られる番だ 何も訳など知らないままに
Woo Now it's my turn to die, without knowing why
政治なんて俺には分からない ただ生きるための手段覚えた
I don't understand politics; I only learned how to survive
I was oblivious to the world around me
俺はテロリストに育てられ 言われた通りに生きてきた
I was raised as a terrorist, living by their orders
十六の時初めて 銃を手にした
At sixteen, I held a gun for the first time
俺にあるのは 敵と味方だけ 裏切りが俺の心を
Enemies and allies, that's all I knew, and betrayal
いつでも正しくさせていた だから今まで生きてこれた
Always kept my conscience clear, that's how I stayed alive
Woo 権力を潰すことだけを教えられてきた俺はテロリスト
Woo I was taught only to destroy power, I'm a terrorist
Woo 平和など生み出せやしない俺の命はテロリスト
Woo I can't create peace, my life is a terrorist's
この世に生きる人々の 一人一人に責任があるなら
If everyone in this world has a responsibility
Then I'll give my life for this revolution
Woo 生きていることに罪を感じることなく生きる人々よ
Woo You who live without guilt
Woo おまえはこの世のテロリスト俺を育てたテロリスト
Woo You are the terrorist who raised me, the terrorist who created this world
Wow... Wow... Wow...
Wow... Wow... Wow...

Writer(s): 尾崎 豊, 尾崎 豊

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