Ahmed Kamel - Beny W Benak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ahmed Kamel - Beny W Benak

Beny W Benak
Beny W Benak
وبعدهالك يا أحمد الناس بتنام وأنت إللي صاحي
After you, oh Ahmed, people sleep, but you are the one who is awake
مجرد أني بشوفك بتعيط بتزيد جراحي
Just when I see you cry, my wounds increase
يا ابني مالك؟
My son, what is wrong with you?
مهدود أمال بقى فين جنانك؟
My hopes are shattered, where is your joy?
وصوت ضحكك العالي، هزارك وعامل مش في بالك (آه)
And your loud laughter, your jokes, and you act like you don't care (ah)
أنا عمري مشوفتك مرة واحدة بتضعف كدة
I have never seen you weak like this before
ده أنت إللي بتنصح كل صحابك يقوا
You are the one who advises all your friends to be strong
إزاي الدنيا طالتك؟
How did the world get to you?
بس مش مشكلة أنا برضو هفضل جنبك
But no problem, I will still be by your side
ومشاكلك مهما كبرت أنت أكبر منها فأديلها ضهرك
No matter how big your problems are, you are bigger than them, so turn your back on them
بتكلم عني وعنك فبتتقهر
You talk about me and you, and you get depressed
أنا مش محتاج أضحك عليك بوجع عشان أتشهر
I don't need to make fun of you with your pain to become famous
الناس ملت دموع فمش هقولك أضحك
People are filled with tears, so I won't tell you to laugh
وأحمد كامل صبح إدمان لكل شخص سمع
And Ahmed كامل became an addiction for everyone who heard
متكدبنيش علشان هكرهك
Don't lie to me because I will hate you
في يوم هروح وننسى بعض و بيني وبينك ألف سد
One day I will leave and we will forget each other, and there will be a thousand barriers between me and you
بقى إللي رابطني بيك وجع
Now all that connects me to you is pain
لو عشتوا نص عمري كنتوا عرفتوا معنى وجعي بجد
If you had lived half my life, you would have known the true meaning of my pain
طيب جروحك، أشفي روحك، روح لحالك
Well, heal your wounds, heal your soul, go away
سيب حياتك ضحك وإنسى إنك تعبان ما هي مش ديمالك
Leave your life laughing and forget that you are tired, it is not eternal
خلي إللي يقول يقول إنت القمر ويا النجوم
Let everyone say that you are the moon and the stars
ومحدش هنا هيطول يبص في عينك
And no one here will even look you in the eye
أصلك فوق في العالي دموعك غالية يا سيدنا والكل بقى يعرفك
Because you are up high, your tears are precious, oh our master, and everyone knows you
يا بختك لو هحبك يا ويلك لو كامل يكرهك
How lucky you are if I love you, woe to you if كامل hates you
زي الطرب بنسلطن ناس في قاعدة مغنى
Like music, we rule people at the base of the singer
وأهو كله منا لحاله بيروح ونلقى في وسط غلط
But all of it is alone, it goes away and we find ourselves in the middle of the wrong
إختار صاحب يودك مش يبص في رزقك
Choose a friend who loves you, not one who looks at your money
إختار الصحبة الصالحة، دور صح في نفوس وسخة
Choose good company, look for it in dirty souls
إختار التعب لو راحتك هتقل من كرامتك
Choose tiredness if your comfort will decrease your dignity
خليك مآمن إنك ماشي وإن الدنيا ديه رحلة
Believe that you are moving, and that this life is a journey
كان حلمك علي الحطان برواز
Your dream was a frame on the wall
إتعلم تاخد بالك وأن بيتك من إزاز
Learn to be careful, and that your house is made of glass
خليك لحالك جنب الحيط
Stay by yourself next to the wall
وهاتلي حد فضل جنب الحيط كمل حياته وعاش
And bring me someone who stayed by the wall, continued his life and lived
(وهاتلي حد فضل جنب الحيط كمل حياته وعاش)
(And bring me someone who stayed by the wall, continued his life and lived)

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