Alisher Fayz - O`zgarmas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alisher Fayz - O`zgarmas

Charxi dunyo aylanar, o'sha-o'sha
The spinning world goes round and round, ever the same
Manzil tomon shaylanar, o'sha-o'sha
Journeying towards its destination, ever the same
Dilga mos dil saylanar, hamon o'sha
The heart chooses a heart that suits it, ever the same
Ahvolim o'nglanmas deb, nolima bas
Why do you lament that your state does not improve?
O'zing o'zgarmasang, olam o'zgarmas
If you do not change yourself, the world will not change
Hayot go'zal, kezay desang kezgulik
Life is beautiful, my fair lady, enjoy it if you can
Baxtlar talay, sezay desang sezgulik
There are many fortunes, if you deserve them, you will experience them
Borar yering yovuzlikmi, yo ezgulik?
Is your destination evil or good?
Yo'llar ko'pdir ammo, qadam o'zgarmas
There are many paths, but the steps remain the same
O'zing o'zgarmasang, so'zing o'zgarmasa
If you do not change yourself, your words will not change
Ko'zing o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If your eyes do not change, the world will not change
Yangilanar har kun bu eski o'lan
This old thing will be renewed every day
Bir chalpak yog'ilmas ko'kdan ming tilim
A raindrop will not fall from the sky a thousand times
Amdisog'da ahdlashganmiz Haq bilan
We made a pact with God in Paradise
Siyohlar qurigan, qalam o'zgarmas
The ink has dried, the pen will not change
O'zing o'zgarmasang, olam o'zgarmas
If you do not change yourself, the world will not change
Goho rosting, goh hazil, huzuling bor
Sometimes you tell the truth, sometimes you jest, you have a sense of humor
Dunyo shunday goh dard, goh huzuring bor
The world is like that, sometimes it brings pain, sometimes it brings joy
Ey, dilginam ming nuqson, qusuring bor
Oh, my love, you have a thousand flaws and faults
Dardlar ming xil ammo, malham o'zgarmas
There are a thousand kinds of pain, but the remedy does not change
O'zing o'zgarmasang, so'zing o'zgarmasa
If you do not change yourself, your words will not change
Ko'zing o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If your eyes do not change, the world will not change
Yurak o'zgarmasa, tilak o'zgarmasa
If your heart does not change, your wishes will not change
Istak o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If your desires do not change, the world will not change
Umid bilan deyman, hechdan ko'ra kech
I say with hope, better late than never
Robbim ko'ngil tugunlarin o'zing yech
My Lord, untie the knots in my heart yourself
Poyiga boshin urib, erta-yu kech
Bowing my head at your feet, early and late
Yig'lab yolvormasam, olam o'zgarmas
If I do not repent, the world will not change
O'zim o'zgarmasam, so'zim o'zgarmasa
If I do not change myself, my words will not change
Ko'zim o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If my eyes do not change, the world will not change
Nolam o'zgarmasa, jolam o'zgarmasa
If my lament does not change, my path will not change
Olamim o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If my world does not change, the world will not change
Odam o'zgarmasa, olam o'zgarmas
If people do not change, the world will not change
Dardlar ming xil ammo, malham o'zgarmas
There are a thousand kinds of pain, but the remedy does not change
Siyohlar qurigan, qalam o'zgarmas
The ink has dried, the pen will not change

Writer(s): Alisher Fayz

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