Amir Meludah - Juara Semalam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amir Meludah - Juara Semalam

Juara Semalam
Yesterday's Champion
Pernah bergusti lawan buaya
I once wrestled crocodiles
Ikan paus pun takut bila kelahi bersama
Even whales were scared when we fought
Panahan kilat terlalu lambat masih boleh tertangkap
Lightning arrows are too slow, I could still catch them
Guruhan petir masuk telinga dunia segenap
Thunder's roar entered my ears, reaching the whole world
Lompat-lompat kaki walau betis dah lenguh
I hopped and skipped, even though my calves were sore
Tiada dinding yang takkan dirempuh
No wall could stop me
Orgasma hanya terasa pada keringat peluh
Orgasm only felt like sweat
Siapa berani menari melodi sambil bergaduh?
Who dares to dance to a melody while fighting?
Kau hanya lawan kau bukan musuh
You are your own opponent, you are not an enemy
Kau bukan tuhan kau juga makhluk
You are not a god, you are also a creature
Kita berpukul sambil muka tersenyum
We beat each other while smiling
Terima lah ikhlas liur darah di mulut
Accept the sincere sweat and blood in my mouth
Terlebih tidur ukir rasa kurang selesa
Sleeping too much makes me feel uncomfortable
Diri menyoal punca dia girang gembira
I question the source of your joy and happiness
Tampak garang macam kuat tunjuk taring sang singa
You look fierce, like a strong lion showing its teeth
Walau belum pernah rasa duduk bawah mahkota
Even though you've never sat under a crown
Berat piring besi diangkat gigih
I lift the heavy iron plate with strength
Tunjuk merah gusi gigi senyum digigit
I show my red gums, my teeth smile, bitten
Koyak dinding otot keraskan perut
I tear the wall with my muscles, harden my stomach
Cuba konsentrasi sampai urat timbul ditengkok
I try to concentrate until the veins bulge on my neck
Utas benang senang masuk lubang
A thread of yarn easily goes into a hole
Jarum tak perlu ditengok tak perlu dipandang
I don't need to look at the needle, I don't need to see it
Gayung tua pemutus gayung
The old dipper breaks the dipper
Berdarah tangan sengal sakar sakal disamun
My hand is bloody, sore, stiff, robbed
Hati berdentum kurang tenteram
My heart beats, I feel restless
Nampak muka si hodoh bila mata dipejam
I see the ugly face when I close my eyes
Mula rasa sangsi dengan sifat sendiri
I start to doubt my own nature
Sudah tidak pasti sudah tidak yakin
I am no longer sure, I am no longer confident
Daging lembut penyek tertumbuk
Tender flesh crushed, beaten
Lagi tiga minit sebelum loceng gangsa dipukul
Three more minutes before the brass bell is struck
Angkat lutut siku tajam mencucuk
I raise my knee, my elbow sharp, I stab
Dahi cium tanah tumit kaki terjatuh
My forehead kisses the ground, my heel falls
Emas hilang juga satu peluang
Gold is lost, so is one chance
Hamba sini bukan lagi pemenang
I am no longer a winner
Perlukah sambung cuba-cuba berjuang
Do I need to continue to try and struggle?
Teritori sendiri dah diambil orang
My territory has been taken by others
Esok menanti juga mentari
Tomorrow, the sun will still rise
Bumikan sambung berputar pada paksi
The earth will continue to spin on its axis
Halilintar mengigau masuk dalam mimpi
Thunder roars, enters my dreams
Pecut larikan diri daripada realiti
The whip chases me away from reality
"Berhenti berhenti" bisik suara hati
"Stop, stop," my heart whispers
Juara semalam takkan datang kembali
Yesterday's champion won't come back
Tengok kanan dan jengok kiri
Look to the right and look to the left
Siapa paling rendah bila semua berdiri
Who is the shortest when everyone stands tall?
"Berhenti berhenti" bisik suara hati
"Stop, stop," my heart whispers
Juara semalam takkan datang kembali
Yesterday's champion won't come back
Tengok kanan dan jengok kiri
Look to the right and look to the left
Siapa paling rendah bila semua berdiri
Who is the shortest when everyone stands tall?

Writer(s): Amir Othman

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