Andrei Krylov - Eilean a Cheo Song paroles de chanson

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Andrei Krylov - Gothic Bard's Galliards and Fantasies for Celtic Viollln and Folk Lute

1 Lord of the Rings Army Marching into the Battle
2 Sad Story About Beauty, Evil and Power
3 Irish Lute Dance Music Fantasy
4 Dancing in the Palace of the Mountain King
5 Flutes of Beowulf Castle
6 Saga of Island of Skye for Lute and Violins
7 Dance of the Friar
8 Scottish Gothic Army March Fantasy
9 Bard's Galliard for Celtic Violln and Lute
10 Love Is Immortal
11 Warriors of Campobello Island Dancing on the Roof
12 Foggy Sunrise in Lubeck
13 Sgurr Fiona and the Corrag Scottish Hill Dance Fantasy
14 Heidelberg Cathedral Chorale
15 Medieval Caravan from Andalucia to Maghreb
16 Pictish Dance of Sgitheanach Music Fantasy
17 Gaelic Dance Fantasy for Violin and Lute
18 Army of Lord Aragon Crossing Great Desert
19 Cologne Cathedral Fantasy
20 Eilean a Cheo Song
21 Fantasy Dance of Middle Age Orkney Warriors

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