Andrei Krylov - Romance of Norse Goddess paroles de chanson

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Andrei Krylov - Medieval Gothic Bard Music: Tales of Ice and Fire for Lute, Flute and Violin

1 Ancient Story of Love and Despair
2 Medieval Bards Dance
3 Little Fugue Fantasy
4 Viking Warriors Fantasy Dance for Folk Guitar and Celtic Violin
5 Romance of Norse Goddess
6 Gothic Medieval Castle Flute Song
7 Gothic Lute Lost in the Underworld Cave
8 Celtic Dance for Gothic Lute and Folk Violin
9 Light of Your Love Make My Day so Bright
10 Little Renaissance Lute Fantasy
11 Medieval Gothic Knights March
12 Scottish Love Song Fantasy for Lute and Fiddle
13 Acoustic Gothic Metal Orks Dance for Lute
14 My Soul Is Endless Sad Sea of Broken Ice
15 Viking Knights Battle Song for Folk Lute and Celtic Violin
16 In the Palace of Fair King
17 Gothic Medieval Metal Saga for Lute
18 Kind Goddess Ballad
19 Medieval Celtic Battle Song for Lute Violin Variation
20 Ice Palace of Frigg
21 My Last Romance for You
22 Farewell of the Scottish Knight
23 Drums of War Beating Attack
24 Relaxing Sunset of Campobello Island

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