Andrei Krylov - Vikings Coming in Darkness to the Gates of London paroles de chanson

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Andrei Krylov - 50 Music Fantasies of Irish, Scottish, English, German Castles for Folk Guitar, Celtic Violin, Flute & Medieval Lute

1 Vikings Coming in Darkness to the Gates of London
2 Medieval Northern Saga Fantasy
3 Flying over Alps Mountains
4 Irish Dance Fantasy
5 View from Burg Eltz Tower
6 Gothic Metal Toccata for Lute
7 Lonely Flute Mont Blanc Valley
8 Lighthouse of Your Love
9 Praying on the Mountain
10 Ghosts of Hohenzollern Castle
11 Lost My Love in Highlands
12 Leaving My Home for Faraway Land
13 View of the Mongol Horde Coming Through Steppes to Europe
14 The Troubles of Ireland Fantasy Song for Violins
15 Spirit of Stonehaven
16 Dunnottar Castle Battle
17 Lord of the Dance Fantasy
18 Ghosts of the Fallen in the Battle
19 Flute in Dunnideer Castle Ruins
20 Medieval Gothic Farewell Dance Fantasy
21 Sonnet Without Words
22 Moonlight Dance of Witches and Witchers
23 Chivalric Love Song
24 Tavern Dance for Celtic Violin and Folk Lute
25 Sad Dance of Medieval Maiden
26 Kings Arthur Warriors Marching to the Battle
27 Cathedral of Manchester Chorale
28 Little People Dancing Under Roots of Giant Trees
29 Cliffs of Island of Skye Disaapering in the Fog
30 Dunedin Dance Fantasy
31 Munich Polyphonic Medieval Fantasy for Lute
32 Saga of Vikings in Siberia
33 Mystery of Ancient Magic Wood Engravings
34 Irish Dance
35 Valhalla Dreams
36 Knights of Odin Going into the Battle
37 Scottish Highland Ballad
38 Highland Reel
39 Romance of the Lady of Gothic Wartburgn Castlee
40 Long Road to My Home
41 Dance of Gnomes and Giants
42 Love Song for Guitar and Violin
43 Scottish Knights at the Gates of Jerusalem
44 Polyphonic Fantasy of Canterbury for Medieval Lute
45 Poem for Medieval Lute
46 Dance of Orcs and Elves
47 Sad Song of the Maiden of Gothic Castle
48 Knights in Shining Armor Ready to Battle
49 Kingdom Will Come and Music Will Be Forever
50 Processional for My Princess

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