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1 Chorale Prelude - Heut' triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BWV630
2 O Clap Your Hands
3 Psallite Domino (5vv)
4 Sentences - Exhortation - Confession - Absolution - The Lord's Prayer
5 Responses
6 Psalm 24 - "The Earth Is The Lord's"
7 Psalm 47 - "O Clap Your Hand Together, All Ye People"
8 Psalm 108 - "O God, My Heart Is Ready"
9 First Lesson: Daniel, Chapter 7, Verses 9-10 & 13-14
10 The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns
11 Second Lesson: Hebrews: Chapter 1
12 The Creed & Lesser Litany
13 The Lord's Prayer
14 Service in D: Preces & Collect
15 College Prayer & Grace
16 Organ Voluntary: Verse in the Phrygian mode
17 Evening Service in G: Magnificat in G
18 Evening Service in G: Nunc Dimittis in G
19 The Lord Ascendeth Up On High
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